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Everything posted by LV

  1. Whole club needs carpet bombed, set on fire, bulldozed and then concreted over. Then bombed again just to make sure. It’s an absolute mess and always will be until Ashley fucks off.
  2. Fuck off Colback, we don’t want you here. The Ginger Curse.
  3. Probably, but hard to really say because who knows when we might get some joy again? At least we had a couple of seasons of pretending we were a real football club again. I thought that throughout Rafa's tenure really, he's just masking the real situation. At least it’s reminded us what we could be and that we’re not asking too much to have a team that competes. If Rafa hadn’t been here we’d probably be more accepting of our fate under Ashley.
  4. Relegate good times, come on.
  5. It’s so embarrassing and counterproductive
  6. Surprised at what reaction? People laughing at it? The surprise? The anger? The suicide GIFs? Take your pick. People are justifiably angry at the whole situation but I’m not sure many are surprised. Personally I couldn’t give a rats ass who is the manager. I have zero interest until Ashley has gone.
  7. Any real geordie with the best interests of the club or the area at heart would not go near the manager position under this regime. It’s enabling mediocrity and killing the club. That quite simply is the end of all argument for me. There is literally no other point of view that isn’t trolling.
  8. Is this a wind up? In what way? I'm just questioning why they didn't go for Hughton given that he was available for nowt? Because he’d robably tell them to f*** off It didn't stop them with Allardyce. Ashley came out and said in an interview that he regretted sacking Allardyce. Hughton would never work for this bunch again. He’s got principles unlike hippo heed.
  9. Appointing Tinribs is probably the only way I’d be reeled back in
  10. What a headline as well How unfortunate for someone as desperate as Ashley to sell the club that for the 3rd time in 2 years another buyer doesn't have the funds to buy the club. It’s about 8 times in 10 years. Ashley must be so frustrated at these time wasters and tyre kickers
  11. Bet they’ve been nowhere near Chesapeake Bay mind
  12. I’m aghast at the amount of thick fans we have that are happy to continue going to watch this circus and have the piss taken out of them but who are also so blind to it all that they actually try to justify why they are still going. They are exactly what Ashley relies on. That said, I really don’t believe relegation to league 1 will solve the ownership problem. He either won’t sell or if he does, it’ll be him cutting his losses and some chancer like Stewart Donald and Methven will get hold of us.
  13. Am I the most optimistic? Anyway it's clear it's not happening. Think he meant Godzilla
  14. Didn't realise it was in there it'll be total nonsense anyway I’d have thought so
  15. Third Richest man now. Plus he loves Brexit and fracking if that bothers anyone. Might be better to keep this in the twitter thread for now.
  16. LV

    Twitter nonsense

    He already owns FC Lausanne in Switzerland
  17. LV

    Twitter nonsense

    Would not surprise me. Birds of a feather...
  18. LV

    Twitter nonsense

    Never heard of him. Just looked him up and he sounds a bit of a plonker. A rich one though.
  19. Still better than the current Muppet Show
  20. Who the fuck is Darren Carter?
  21. Bruce saw right through that fat, lazy forrin’ Ben Arfa too just like Pards. So at least there’d be no more players of that ilk coming in. What we need is steadfast, tough tackling English grit.
  22. They've declined to comment, so how does he know? Thought that myself...didn't they say something like 'ask the club' a while back? Still not sure it is with them myself. The news yesterday made it sound like it was, but I just can't get round the idea that it's just in fattys hands and that's where it'll stay until we're told it's off. This is where I’m at too. As far as I’m aware, the selling club has to submit the owners and directors test to the PL. It’s quite possible BZG have done their bit and submitted it to Ashley but Ashley hasn’t sent it to PL yet. For whatever reason. Maybe because he still wants other bids, maybe he doesn’t actually want to sell, maybe he just wants to fuck about with us a bit longer for the laughs.
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