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Everything posted by LV

  1. I'm just hoping the Rafa factor has changed things a bit. Absolutely. Fingers crossed he's managed to drill them a bit but I don't expect it to be enough, know it's dead pessimistic but I'm virtually resigned to going down, very much hope I'm wrong though. I'm so torn. I was resigned to going down before Rafa turned up but then he arrived, which I'm still amazed at, and it changed everything for me.
  2. I'm just hoping the Rafa factor has changed things a bit.
  3. Think we'll get at least a draw here. I'm a bit scared about Naismith though, he's exactly the sort who tears us a new one.
  4. This is fucking scandalous. How can there not be a law against this? Unreal.
  5. I was listening to 5live when he was on and couldn't believe what I was hearing. You could tell he was very pleased with himself when making the 'small' joke. You could also hear his slavering, blubbery fish lips smack about all over the place. Sickening.
  6. Set us back a f***ing decade did those b******s Least you got rid of yours They weren't married to theirs though.
  7. No. Looks like a prayer mark to me. He's Muslim isn't he? Doubt it that's from praying: I don't have any marks like that; it's very rare anyone does unless he's not been using a pray mat I've seen quite a few people with prayer marks like. I guess it takes quite a lot of praying though!
  8. No. Looks like a prayer mark to me. He's Muslim isn't he?
  9. Unlikely. And I think it's more that the club wont want to pay his wages than anything else, so if we go down then he'll go.
  10. Please don't even joke like this. I'd have to commit seppuku immediately if this came to pass.
  11. Confirms Pardew to be the regime stooge we all knew he was.
  12. Is that an African Chorizo or a European Chorizo?
  13. What? Pards can stop goals by his mere presence.
  14. That scenario is so Newcastle though.
  15. At least we've halted the consecutive losses but it might still be too late.
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