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Chicken Dancer

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Everything posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. The fact remains that any man coming in will have to be a little happy lap dog for Ashley. Beardsley will happily accept his shit but at least he will try play some attractive football. Not my first choice, in fact probably my tenth or something, but wouldn't be the worst appointment in the world given the circumstances. Anyone but Pardew is what I keep telling myself.
  2. I would cry for weeks. Please expand!
  3. I'm also blocked by them, as well as Freddie Woodman, Rob Elliot, David Meyler and bizarrely Alan Sugar.
  4. I would like to think if he did that a £2 coin would connect with his temple.
  5. Exactly how I feel. I would usually be buzzing about this, now when we score I just stand up clapping. Sad state of affairs tbh, I hate it and I wish I could be like I used too.
  6. Away friendly pubs? Never done West Ham. Done Spurs and Arsenal but first time to East London.
  7. Nufc fans are the biggest cunts on the internet. The website and twitter page btw, not everyone.
  8. Box to box midfielder. Yaya on his day, Gerrard back in the day(as much as I hate the cunt). Love a good centre midfielder who can do everything.
  9. There was 2 of them being wankers. Don't ever condone violence but would love it if they got their skulls caved in from some nutcase. No class, parents must be proud.
  10. Might be Giggs but I see some idiots of the best supporters of the world resorted to taking the piss out of MH17 victims again. Hopefully the club do the right thing and ban them for life.
  11. What a load of shite that telegraph article is. Says he will be given till November yet also says there is a suspicion the men are in a compensation stand off. Basically they know as much as us. I still think if we get beat on Saturday that could be it, although I did think that at the end last night.
  12. Why? Surely if they were going to do it, they would just do it. Theres no turning this round, ever.
  13. On a completely irrelevant note, did I imagine Ashley losing a bit weight a couple of years ago? Looks like he's back on the butter.
  14. Even if we lose to Swansea as well apparently. This is a joke now.
  15. Perfect opportunity as well, caretaker in for Swansea, players get a lift hopefully a result then a 2 week break before a decent home game for a new manager. Just fuck off.
  16. Job safe. Sky sports news breaking news. Fuck off.
  17. Yep. Pardew will have to walk right passed our lot tonight. Be a shame if something caught him in the face, like a can of coke.
  18. Hope you ended the conversation by slapping him and asking if there was anything between his ears.
  19. did you report him? Yes, about the 20th I've reported the fucker thought and his accounts still going. Madness.
  20. Felt wrong to post this in the Jonas thread, but that little mackem cunt Mitchell Chapman been taking the piss out of Gutierrez on twitter. 3rd time he's done it now, surely he's due a heavy dose of tramadol to finish the cunt off.
  21. Absolutely gutted. Top bloke, treat like shit but always gave everything. Speedy recovery, Spider-Man
  22. Incredibly he's still better than the only alternative. Correct. Which makes the MYM decision even more baffling. Fair enough he didn't exactly set the world alight but he's clearly a confidence player. Him and Williamson actually looked half decent on that 4 game run last season, only for Pardew to drop him for Coloccini for no apparent reason. Clearly the dressing room is full of his little minions, with 'Willo', Coloccini the coward and Carver the cunt being the main ones clearly. Oh yeah, let's not forget that fat fucking waste of oxygen Elliot.
  23. Can't believe we still have fans who defend Williamson, the blokes a fucking liability who has been shown up time and time again. I suppose our 'captain' isn't helping but Williamson should be nowhere near a Premier League team, he's fucking shit.
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