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Chicken Dancer

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Everything posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. "Invariably, the supposedly more difficult characters (Arnautovic) give you that spark that can change games, so you have to understand their issues, if they have issues, work around them and get the best out of them - that's what I try to do and my staff try to do. "It's fair to say he came with a little bit of baggage, but we were probably exactly what he needed to get out of the environment he found himself in. German football, maybe because of a few episodes there, hadn't taken too kindly to him. "He's come into an environment that appreciates him, appreciates what he can do for the team, and his personality is different and players enjoy being around him. "It's not easy to come in and have an impact, certainly as a creative player. It's easier for defensive-minded players. When you are a creative player the onus is on you to win games and that's more difficult, but once he's got to grips with it, the second half of the season has been good for the team and good for him. In terms of his ability to cross on the run, he's one of the best I've seen." Mark Hughes quote after we played them last season, on Arnautovic. Now I don't like the bloke at all, but that is how players like Arnautovic and Ben Arfa should be managed. Pardew is terrible tactically, but his man management is disgusting. His ego is so big yet he's done nothing in his life or career to warrant it. Just a horrible prick, hopefully he's squirming in the comfort of the dugout next home game.
  2. Any way of viewing the full article without signing up? Tight fisted bastard I know.
  3. What did he do at Wembley? Bit too young to remember.
  4. I'm fucked because she has no sense of humour. She's probably already told her family man. She will have a dress picked out I know for a fact.
  5. Told my lass I would propose when he leaves. So tbh, as much as I hate the c***, complete mixed feelings because she's the type of nutcase who will hold me to it, even thought I said it pissed after the Palace game obviously in jest.
  6. Open letter given to Ryder, thanks to the fans etc.
  7. To the tune of Don't sell Cabaye; Please sack Pardew, Alan Pardew I just don't think you understand. That if you sack Pardew, Alan Pardew, You're going to have a party on your hands. Simple and effective.
  8. Watching clips of that Cardiff atmosphere now. Hull just needs to be like that, but it won't though. If he can't be sacked make the cunt walk. I would take a Souness/Allardyce double team over this utter mong.
  9. Hull game needs to be like Cardiff. It's a must. Fucking coward will hide in his dugout and squirm.
  10. He needs a good hiding that odious little cunt. Think he said be hopes they have a disabled kid. Absolute wanker.
  11. Would happily take the hopeless banner to the training ground one day next week for the cunt driving in too. Would love to see his face the smarmy horrible prick.
  12. But hopefully Pardew is long gone obviously.
  13. Class work with the banners. I think the first away game I am going to is West Ham this year, realise it's a while away (last weekend in November) but I would be willing to try and get them in if no one else from here is going. Don't see why they wouldn't be allowed in.
  14. No one has even remotely implied anything close to that. Nah, he's not. He's a distinctly average CB who generally knows his limitations. And he's improved dramatically over the past few seasons. Not even remotely true. The primary reason our defense has been s*** is because our manager equates "defense" with dropping 11 men behind the ball, putting zero pressure on the opponent, inviting the opposition to control the tempo of the match, and hoofing the ball downfield to be immediately turned over. Williamson is shit man. He most certainly should not be starting games in the Premier League. The earth turns quicker than that clown. He's absolute garbage. I didn't suggest anyone on here defended him, but people around me and members of my family/friends seem to talk him up. He's even got a poxy chant now. The people who defend Williamson as a decent player are the type of people who lap up Pardew's shit. Hopefully if he's sacked any time soon the new manager would see Williamson for what he is, an utter shambles of a centre half.
  15. Sick of everyone going on like Williamson is fucking Bobby Moore. He is shit. He has been exposed time and time again for being shit, he had a few good games last year but even then every time he goes near the ball I have a cold sweat. He looks uncomfortable every time tries to pass it along the ground, which is unusual considering it normally goes about 20 yards to the left to Coloccini. The reason our defence has been shit for the past year or two is because Mike Williamson is starting games for us in the Premier League. Aye fair enough, he shouts and balls a bit but who cares. He is absolutely awful, one of the reasons we are being held back. One of Pardew's lieutenants no doubt.
  16. Absolute bargain that. Class player.
  17. Surely City need at least one of them for their homegrown quota? Who have they got? Milner, Hart and Wright off th top of my head.
  18. I think it was 'Liam Sweeney/John Alder's Black and White Army' could be mistaken though. Liam & John's B&W Army... Aye, was just after the 17th minute. Ah good. Nice touch
  19. Might have already been discussed, but were the corner singing 'Alan Pardew's black and white army' at one point? Could have sworn they were.
  20. "The average for this club in the Premier League is 48 points, so if we get that total we will be happy". Might not be word for word but that's basically what he just said on SSN. Eurgh. Such a difference to the likes of Martinez etc.
  21. If tomorrow wasn't going to be mainly made up of school kids I would encourage everyone to just abuse the mess of a human for the duration of the open day. The cunt probably thinks all is mended because 19,000 people made up of families didn't boo him yesterday. Horrible fuck.
  22. I thought he looked OK today. Good in possession, think he will be useful this season.
  23. Who did he run to in the dugout after scoring? Please not Pardew.
  24. £5m for both of them according to SSN. Brilliant deal if that is the case.
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