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Everything posted by SiLvOR

  1. SiLvOR


    At least you still have one fan, you melt cunt.
  2. Yeah same, was discussing this at work and the general consensus is we just cba with England now. Especially since the debacle of the World Cup.
  3. So what does this mean? Are they out buying a pen atm for signing the contract? They've both agreed the figure will start with an 8 that's as far as they've got. Your avatar, TBG :lol:
  4. SiLvOR

    Alan Pardew

    I think if Hughton was still in charge, we'd possibly suffer some second season syndrome. I don't think there would be any summer singings half as good as what we made. We'd possibly still have our Carroll's, Nolan's etc but I duno, I just think we would have definitely struggled this year. Which isn't to say we still won't, but I believe with this fantastic start we've made, we will kick on and aim for that top 7/8 spot.
  5. SiLvOR

    Dan Gosling

    Abeid, for one, would do a job a thousand times better than Smith.
  6. Yeah I agree, Obertan for me would offer far more from the bench against tired legs as opposed to starting. I know the same can be said with Marv, however I feel Marveaux should be starting a game like this, if only for the fact that he's a bit of an unknown quantity at present. With Obertan you know what you're getting; a lot of pace and not great decision making. Marveaux could give us that extra edge we need, especially in the first 60-70 minutes.
  7. Simply has to start against Spurs in place of Obertan. For me, Marv has shown he is more composed and intelligent on the ball than Obertan which is going to be vital against a good side such as Spurs.
  8. Needs to smile at Pards more though to make it into that first 11.
  9. Seriously though why couldn't he start on the right? Just cutting inside as opposed to breezing down the wing and crossing with his right, just cut in and score a 35 yarder with his left, like every game. He isn't really known for his shooting from long distance... but do you get my point about the cutting in though? Couldn't hurt to try? I admit I've never seen him play ever except for us so I have no idea.
  10. SiLvOR


    Bruce is just saying stuff for the fuck of it now tbh. Those comments are just ridiculous.
  11. Seriously though why couldn't he start on the right? Just cutting inside as opposed to breezing down the wing and crossing with his right, just cut in and score a 35 yarder with his left, like every game.
  12. Getting him a contract extension sorted out has to be our number one priority right now tbh. The man is a colossus at the back for us.
  13. SiLvOR

    Alan Pardew

    I think it's a very sensible thing for him to say, keeps people focussed on the task at hand. Let's not forget, we were relegated a few seasons ago. When we acheive the 40 points, that's when we can see where we are in terms of the league and what the goals can be for the remaining fixtures. For what it's worth, I believe he's going to motivate the team to aim towards a top 8 or 7 finish.
  14. SiLvOR

    Alan Pardew

    SSN pundit Alan Smith isn't fit to pluck Pardew's eyebrows tbh
  15. That's good news, will only help to give his confidence a massive boost. Btw sorry if a re-post, but I just listened to his interview on BBC sport, he comes across really well when talking about the team and such. Really liking this guy
  16. I can see your point, however I feel introducing them into a winning side will make the transition easier, as there will be less pressure etc.
  17. SiLvOR

    Leon Best

    Sometimes a face doesn't fit, so maybe it is a personal thing between coach and player going on. For me, especially this season, he always puts himself about really well even if he isn't playing that fantastically, giving 100% at all times.
  18. SiLvOR


    Thanks for that was a very interesting read, had no idea fixtures could be affected by so many variables. Back on topic, I hope Bruce doesn't get sacked, he's doing such a wonderous job
  19. Agree with both of you, in that Carroll is the best of his type, however I'd prefer a front pairing of Rooney and Sturridge for England.
  20. SiLvOR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Ben Arfa is down as a RW in FIFA games, so obviously he should be playing there instead of just behind the striker. Pardew out.
  21. My Dad said the same about Carroll, hopes he does well so he can lead the England line for the next few years, which I do kind of agree with.
  22. I know it's very early days but at the moment I'm not sure what he offers what Routledge couldn't?
  23. He does bust his arse for 90 minutes. Not sure I agree with that, tbh but maybe I have higher expectations?
  24. Try it and see how effective you are. Running for 100 yards. I've tried it plenty of times. After about 60 mins of high tempo football, sprinting 50 yards leaves you a bit knackered on the way back like. It does I agree. Still doesn't mean you should do it though. If the opposition score a goal from it, you can't say "ah yes but if I'd have ran back, I'd have been knackered." End of the day he's a professional athlete who's getting paid very well to do a job. The least he can do is bust his arse for 90 minutes.
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