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Everything posted by Yaron

  1. 31 goals in 111 matches for Palermo......not that good stats
  2. If we beat them so we will have to gain just 45 points till the end of the season! Ambition!
  3. "Cabella from swwwfrance" :lol:
  4. No cups,No europe ,48 pts AMBITION!
  5. No press conference,no post match interviews....................This club
  6. He became Ashley PR and Spokesperson
  7. So he is next? http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/09/15/article-1056314-02AB2F9E00000578-997_224x382.jpg
  8. Some reason I thought Nigel De Jong was still playing fro them. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/173/576/Wat8.jpg
  9. Yea stop it please! i was excited to see so many pages from the afternoon! Jesus!
  10. 10M for a CB from the Scottish league,,,,No chance.
  11. Lee Ryder @lee_ryder Talk at the #nffc end that #nufc have interest in Jamaal Lascelles and Karl Darlow Ryder not up to date?
  12. 24M raising to 30 according to the Telegraph! thats frustrating..... Everton are maybe at the same level of Finance as we are or we are even in Better condition.and they sign a player that costs like our all Transfer business this summer
  13. Yaron

    Clément Grenier

    Ryder Tweeting that NUFC source claim No interest in Grenier in 5 4 3 2 1
  14. Yaron

    Clément Grenier

    OL News @OLNews_eng Clément #Grenier did not train the past weekend, neither did he today. He is not injured, leading to transfer speculations.
  15. http://www.transfermarkt.com/pierre-emerick-aubameyang/leistungsdaten/spieler/58864/saison/2013
  16. I don't know if its true about Isla but Miles Starforth doesn't know anything about this club
  17. Terrible news,unfortunately i know personally the Israeli passenger who died there. Tragic day ,may they all RIP
  18. This transfer window reminds me Jan 2013........
  19. Mark Douglas @MsiDouglas Striker news for both #safc and #nufc in tomorrow's Journal...
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