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Everything posted by Smal

  1. Smal

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    There's players that make you smile when they do something good. Ben Arfa make's you laugh. Unbelievable
  2. so frustrating this. Starting to look like Pardew's comments about taking a point were serious
  3. 4-3-3 please. If Ba hasn't sorted himself out after 10 minutes then get Fergie on
  4. Ben Arfa not getting any space on the right and they're doubling up on him. Need 4-3-3 so he can drift about and lose his men
  5. I know Ba wants to play every minute and that, but he evidently can't. He's knackered
  6. As far as I'm aware, Jussi's been a bit shit for a year or so now
  7. Absolutely. Bottom 5 player at best. Another MOTD player
  8. I feel sorry for Boro, I really do. Kind of like them
  9. I hope that Alonso's playing for them on Monday . If Damien Duff can destroy him imagine what HBA will do
  10. Who/what type of player would you want instead? I'd play Tiote, Guthrie and Cabaye ahead of Tiote, Jonas and Cabaye. Fair enough, disagree like as Cabaye and Guthrie are too similar IMO, better off having a bit of an allrounder in there like Jonas who provides something different. Guthrie and Cabaye being similar doesn't really matter when they're playing different positions. Tioté and Guthrie would sit behind Cabaye in our current formation
  11. Smal

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Well HBA knows better than anyone that if you don't work then you don't get into the team. Fair play to Pardew; it's looking like he's got it spot on for the long term
  12. So they're going to put more teams in the Champion's League? It already has way too many
  13. Smal

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    This is why I hate Liverpool. We don't have a great reputation, but they are so deluded it's unreal. Downing... better than Ben Arfa? I can't get my head around the concept. Why would anyone have such a train of thought?
  14. Do we really need them to beat Everton in the Cup? Would be a massive help, yeah. Still think we'll finish 6th
  15. Tbh, as much as I hate them, we could do with Liverpool winning and getting some form so they can beat Everton in the cup. They are not threat to us in the league imo
  16. Smal

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Looking at it, the whole squad yesterday cost just a little bit over what we received from the Carroll transfer
  17. Victor Moses is a complete fraud
  18. Was anyone else absolutely shitting themselves when Sigurðsson got the ball, btw? He really is a brilliant player and was their only threat
  19. Really doesn't like it on the left. Probably needs a bit of a rest I think. Looks knackered :/
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