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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. Don't think there's a chance he leaves London tbh.
  2. I think this might be the game Casimero decides he's done.
  3. Olise for me. Could easily be a straight replacement for Miggy tbh. Not sure we could afford him mind.
  4. Never understood it either. Feel like it's a legitimate case of English hype and because he came through a Sky 6 academy.
  5. A result was always likely with that back line and Palace in a great place, but I couldn't dream they'd ruin them like this.
  6. Also a pretty tidy team right now. They absolutely can get a result.
  7. God I can taste 5th. Just a wee scent drifting on the air.
  8. Are white gum soles the sky sports uniform now?
  9. Job done. Enjoy your bank holiday weekend people. I'm off for a wee tug.
  10. Desperate to join is a bit much
  11. Beth jumped the shark with this one.
  12. I'm so jealous he got to do it. We've all come across a little runt in our lives we'd like to do it to.
  13. What a moment this was.
  14. And quite clearly only serve one purpose you'd hope a regulator would want to stop, even though an impartial one will never exist.
  15. I like that CBS are quite loose with them. Can feel a bit forced sometimes but moments like that do make it more relateable.
  16. I'm basically thinking of an offer that will never happen. Unless you know, PIF decide to take the piss and ignore FaIr MaRkEt VaLuE.
  17. I understand this position but my position is I don't think the paltry offer we'd get for him outweighs what we'd miss letting him go. If we're absolutely dead up against PSR/FFP/Red Cartel rules, and the offer that comes in is magnificent before June 30th. Perhaps.
  18. I'm confident he's a brexiteering rat.
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