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Everything posted by Manxst

  1. Manxst

    Lewis Miley

    Bit of a stretch for a 17 year old kid to go to a new country to work, learn the language and adapt to living by himself, no?!
  2. That Brentford kit you’ve linked above…have you seen the reverse? Not a chance- it hasn’t even got stripes!
  3. It’s clearly their 15/16 shirt.
  4. Because the .1 makes a difference?
  5. Aren’t they currently in the USA too, playing college teams or something? Probably thought to stop by and get their fill of PL action, having missed it for a number of years now.
  6. Even the Groomers have admitted there were Sunderland shirts at the game. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/deary-me.1611687/
  7. Only made 11300 seats available too, according to RTG. Best fans in the werld though. The club haven’t advertised the game particularly well is the most common excuse. Despite them writing about it on the message board and still being tickets available.
  8. https://swissramble.substack.com/p/premier-league-finances-by-club-202122?utm_source=substack&publication_id=1203438&post_id=135369821&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true Lots of interesting info in here (if it loads correctly)- “Over the last decade Chelsea were comfortably the worst with a £944m operating loss, though Aston Villa and Everton were no slouches, losing £598m and £583m respectively.”
  9. Along with the strongest top half for years. It’s going to be a great season to watch. (Hopefully.)
  10. Mbappe-esque…but at least they’re trying to sell him.
  11. “Warnock recently went digging to see where N’Zogbia ended up after he left the Midlands is another story of its own. “I googled him, and there was nothing after his Villa days,” Warnock says, puzzled. It’s because he never played professional football again, despite only being 30 when he departed Villa Park. In the latter stages of his five years at the club, Villa tried to fix N’Zogbia with a move to AEK Athens in Greece and also offered potential options in the Middle East but he turned them down every time. There was a trial at Sunderland, then a top-flight team, after he was released following Villa’s relegation to the Championship in 2016 but David Moyes decided against offering him a deal. Then, when a move to FC Nantes of France looked on, it was discovered during medical testing that N’Zogbia had an underlying heart problem and he never played again. What happened after that, though, remains a blur. Still only 34, he has never officially announced his retirement or spoken out about whether the heart problem actually did stop him from playing again. Many old team-mates haven’t heard from him for years and his previously populated social media pages have been inactive for even longer — the last tweet from his account was posted in July 2015. When trying to track down N’Zogbia, The Athletic discovered he now keeps a low profile back in France. His long-term representative didn’t answer calls or respond to messages and those who are close to him chose not to discuss his personal life. Multiple journalists in France say he has been off the radar for some time. Prominent football figures in his homeland say they haven’t heard from him, either. N’Zogbia did not respond to calls or reply to messages from The Athletic asking for guidance on the years that have followed his professional career. However, a WhatsApp profile picture of him holding a cigar with a sunny backdrop suggests life is treating him well. Yet whether he ever reflects on what might have been during a career which showed so much promise, only he knows.” https://theathletic.com/1969589/2020/08/06/charles-nzogbia-aston-villa-wigan-newcastle-mystery-heart-condition/?access_token=8349337&redirected=1
  12. A 75 year old manager is a worry also, to be honest. He’s kept them up before and done well there, but the game and its stresses must take a toll on him.
  13. Highly inflated wage works for some, too.
  14. Not human rights? I’m shocked.
  15. Came on as sub in all their three friendly games so far, on 46, 65 and 50 minutes, so he’s probably played as much as anyone else.
  16. They got their lift repaired yet…? ?
  17. Manxst

    Harvey Barnes

    Hopefully you’ll use the money wisely and invest to both come back up, and hammer the mackems whilst doing so. ?
  18. Yeah, I wouldn’t release him- it was just instead of putting him on a coaching contract as suggested.
  19. Manxst

    Harvey Barnes

    “Plus, it’s going to save the club at least £1m over the season in bandages…”
  20. Manxst

    Tino Livramento

    Ours has, so far- although mistakes are obviously always made. However, I’d trust them over your scouting prowess any day of the week.
  21. Why? We don’t want an unnecessary coach + coaching salary at the club. He might be shit at coaching or not want to do that? Might as well just release him.
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