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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Get joelinton off man, just being a big red flag
  2. Good Guy bruce - mega fan and cares so deeply about the club. No one could care more about it than him! - Now of course we dont know if its true or not, but honestly at this point, its more farfetched to think its not true than it is true.
  3. fuck him and his 1000th match, hope he steps on a lego and falls down and cant make it to the game
  4. An realistic target for me would be Denis Zakaria and imo would be perfect to linger in front of the CB's
  5. Keep on going to matches and show your acceptance for this dogshit, simpletons
  6. All you need to do is look at yourself in the mirror and you will see why he has been able to do so.
  7. Fair enough, but if you feel like you have to justify why you did go and how you are not a part of the problem. You know you are a part of the problem. As long as people buy in to the shit product he wont give a shit, PL wont give a shit. Our cowardice should follow the fans of other clubs that stormed the pitch, raised hell for owners, anything to save it but naw, these simpletons are so brainwashed that they think for some reason that nothing will work, even if it has proven for other clubs.
  8. two dogshit teams. 39% possession as a home team is fucking pathetic, and this Leeds team is so shit that they couldnt even score on their 20 chances.
  9. Joelinton is robbing the club as much as kebab bruce
  10. You would think that all the amazing clubs would be after him, he is seemingly the best manager in the game
  11. he is gonna get saved by ASM isnt he, fuck me....
  12. Brewcie shouting about his kebab not arriving yet I see
  13. ahahha fucking standing still like brucie himself
  14. This slug dried up in the sun yet?
  15. Imagine this - If they dont get any matchday money, any money from shirt sales etc. This is a decent dent in an already snide run club. Having empty seats whilst being a TV game also shows things. The so called "fans" we have are weak, look at how other clubs deal with shit owners and managers - most of ours are passive pussies.
  16. Cause Brewcie is a dogshit "manager" - only thing he can see is that XXL kebab waiting for him after the game
  17. Not the best choice by ASM - but thats why he is here and not in a better club. Now shelvey - thats a fucker that just needs to get taken to pasture
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