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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Dogshit to get two yellows there even though it's correct it's so fucking unnecessary. Shit player with shitty bruce its truly magical
  2. I hope this fucking shit stain wakes up steps on legos all the way to his cup of bacon fat and when he consumes that shit it's so hot that his mouth get all burns. Every goddamn day and night.
  3. I hope to dear god the players fucking just do brisk walks around the pitch next match. Even if I don't watch games on gameday just reading his fucking comments makes me rage. He is as useful as a male prostitute in a party of nuns.
  4. Hate is a strong word, but this donkeycum makes me want to punch anything I see him on.
  5. fuck this useless sack of shit. Actually a sack of shit would be worth more
  6. I think the pen was ultra soft, honestly. Pure duel for the ball. Again VAR places the lines weird when judging the offsides so no clue there. All in all modern fotball is becoming more and more boring.
  7. worthy


    Just stop playing him as a striker - for some reason he cannot strike the ball regardless of what he tries. Fluffed a shot yet somehow it went in.
  8. Hoof it to andy for the last minutes!
  9. No no, gotta have that hardman in the midfield, fans wanting their team to play football and attack, deluded!
  10. Cause this Newcastle United isn't ours. It's a cheap wish.com special made to show off some fat cunts company and just barely exist. And honestly the only hope we have is to make it not worth it for said fat cunt so we can have the club back
  11. My angry schizophrenic random ranting neighbor would do better than this waste of air
  12. The manager with the worst record in the premiere league doing shit? My god, I am baffled!
  13. No no, they scored 2 goal early. In his mind its all lost then.
  14. Calling him dogshit would be a insult to what my dog does outside.
  15. So much this, if people cant see that and jump on and say ASM is shite, they dont actually know fuck all about football.
  16. Well I guess time will be spent on other things rather than watching football.
  17. He has done is service and shouldn't be on a new contract. More silly decisions being made.
  18. I would name my firstborn Rafa if he came back.
  19. Imagine shit manager leading a shit team running out of luck
  20. Lookman would be a waste here. Talented player that needs gametime and a manager that isn't from the shitty old-school of English FRET N PASSHUN gang. He would be wise to stay away, same as our home support.
  21. When sucking on fat mikes nob, gotta keep them lips wet
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