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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Oh snap, liked on face and following on twitter!
  2. worthy

    Leon Best

    I'll just go out and say that I am actually convinced that Best is turning out to be a great buy considering the sum we payed and what he has done in the PL. I did not think he would be able to even be near the goalrate from start that he has right now, specially not after seeing him with us in the wankership. Glad I did not bet with any drinking of piss or such, I would clearly have lost it by now.
  3. My god, my mancrush on Cabaye just keeps growing. I knew he was good, but that he would handle PL with such ease is amazing. Now that Tiote seems to get an understanding with him its just wonderful to watch!
  4. worthy

    Ryan Taylor

    Even Løvenkrands should be ahead of this twat on LB. So thankful that QPR has a shit striker
  5. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    Fuck me, why the fuck would you start raylor even if he has scored two goals, he has fucking almost made us loose more then that. Today was a great example in how fucking turboshit ryan taylor is, he was bumfuckingraped by every single QPR player. He could not do anything or even fucking stay on position. We should be fucking happy that Bewtr0idz is a terrible terrible player as SWP would have had 4 assists without doubt.
  6. Tbh the whole fucking team gets a 2/10 We where playing like a fucking fun-team out there. No focus on trying to get anything going, and ryan taylor should have -1003858. He will cost us goals against better sides.
  7. Seriously, fuck ryan taylor fuck pardew. How the fuck can you not see how fucking SHIT he is, he was pissed on constantly there. My fucking god if Wright-Phillips would have had better players with him they would have gone up by 3 goals minimum. I still cannot see how Pardew decided to fucking keep ryan im a fucking shitbag taylor on the pitch. fucking relieved that Boothroid is so horrible.
  8. On paper we should beat QPR 9/10 times. Hopefully Taraabt and Barton has a scuffle and Ferdinand shits himself when he knows whats coming. Hopefully fucking Santon will start, we cant fucking toss around with sentimental bullshit with Raylor.
  9. worthy


    Fingers crossed. Massive pressure on Nick Bendtner now. Bendtner will choke under the pressure, thats what my arsenal friends say at least. Would love to see them go down the shitter
  10. £600k net spend and we've managed to bring in Cabaye, Ba, Marveaux, Abeid, Elloitt & Santon. That's canny good in my view. Yes, but we fucking NEED a new #9 but the fucking fat cunt wont do shit. Hope he fucking dies eating his fattyburger that fucking cunt. Ameobi/Løvenkrands in the teamsheet is fucking disgusting.
  11. oh god, BIG MAC is seriously a fat lard, DO NOT WANT
  12. lee_ryder: #nufc Hearing NUFC bid for Papiss Demba Cisse was more than £10million, Freiburg wanted closer to over £15million
  13. CRUEL JOKE, you evil man you!
  14. Roma and Juve wanted him, but Inter would not sell to teams in their own division (Cant argue with that). But hey, hopefully he will get his confidence back and play as he did against manu back in 09
  15. worthy

    Shola Ameobi

    Gotta love that stat. It's wrong like - he's only scored 6 past them no? Aye he has, and only one on SOS
  16. 15 year old goalkeeper. Could bet money on that tbh. Cant be anything else EDIT: Dare I say Bridge?
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