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Everything posted by midstoon

  1. layed west brom £36 only £8 profit if it comes through. then if that wins probably go for a Derby win against milwall. really getting into these lay bets to slowly build up the betting bank
  2. Reckon it'll be as early as tonight!!
  3. Last nights winnings £40 on a Lecce win against Ascoli.
  4. Completely agree with the above.
  5. And we thought Oba looked older than he claimed to be. This lad must have had a serious paper round if he's only 17 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2558313/Lazio-threaten-legal-action-claims-teenage-star-actually-40s.html http://www.giornalettismo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/joseph-marie-minala-quanti-anni-ha.jpg
  6. the state of Mick Hucknall! That reminds me The walking dead starts again tonight
  7. These kind of results get other managers sacked!! But not F$ckin Pardew
  8. And replace the background with St james park
  9. Might as well Just lock the thread tbh after jfk's comments
  10. i've always done quite well with the normal in play but never bet enough to lock in a good profit so the multiples in play sounds ideal. anyway going to give it a buzz this afternoon and see how it goes.
  11. always seem to have one let me down late on with my multiples so this would be ideal if i can cash out early with around 50% profit.
  12. Just Done with B'fair Newcastle Hull Qpr Barca £10 returns £62 Anyone used the new Betfair Cashout in-play on multiples yet?
  13. Kiss my shiny metal ass!! http://pool.theinfosphere.org/images/1/14/Bender_promo_2.jpg
  14. 1st England game i've really enjoyed in Years
  16. Pretty much are Don't think theres a home game advantage in this game, good job it's not important
  17. sounds and looks like an away game with the england players being booed & the smog from the flares
  18. Get the F@ck in :frantic: Oh! and Townsend is Quality!
  19. Had to check i was'nt watching Conan the barbarian
  20. Not been impressed by Fulham whatsoever. I think Sunderland, Fulham and Palace are going to go into a heck of a relegation battle with us if we don't improve. West ham seem to be struggling without carroll aswell. Depending on how long he's out for i can see them battling at the bottom.
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