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Everything posted by midstoon

  1. Just watched the interview on East Midlands news with pearce and he confirmed we have signed both of them and there back at forest for a seasons loan. was'nt very happy as he advised against the deal last week as he said he could get a lot more money for them at the end of next season & did'nt know that the chairman agreed to the deal without informing him.
  2. £50 on Tottenham Vs Celtic at 1.52 Celtic have apparently only taken 2 first team squad members to friendly in finland as they have the 2nd leg of the champions league qualifiers next week and are resting the first team. odds are dropping fast now everyones realised though
  3. Fellaini, £15m. Only a slight difference then
  4. Whats was Evertons Biggest transfer fee before this?
  5. midstoon

    Remy Cabella

    http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01422/sacha-baron-cohen-_1422424a.jpg http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Society/Pix/pictures/2010/1/6/1262780885770/Henry-Winkler-as-The-Fonz-001.jpg
  6. The Floral Tribute from the Donations raised through RTG http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l28/bernard1973/SAFCFLOWERS_zps3a4a3fe2.jpg
  7. What's with the Hunchback look with all the players? Monitoring equipment?
  8. Would of been nice to see them lay the wreaths instead of Bt cutting to adverts
  9. That's the only position i'm really worried about at the moment. Shawcross would be brilliant but i can imagine the fee would be high.
  10. This is from that martin tinder guy again, isnt it? :| Seriously, I'd love to know what he does He seems to be jobless as he's always stalking the nufc training ground hiding in bushes http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/creepy-dude.gif
  11. midstoon

    Remy Cabella

    Havent seen who, but I bet it's that martin tinder guy on twitter, right? How the f*** does he have the time to stalk the training ground & players like he does?! Was'nt he the same guy who posted the pictures of cisse arriving at the training ground. looked like he had taken them whilst hiding in a bush
  12. midstoon


    It's pretty obvious what channel people would watch given the choice anyway
  13. Bit of Wise scouting shows he has a bit of pace, athletic and a decent finisher. Also does that Bale celebration though Also does the oba martins somersault celebration aswell.
  14. http://a.fod4.com/misc/Baby%20Ninja.gif
  15. He's been Linked with Stoke and West Brom aswell last week or so
  16. The whole thing stinks of a fire sale. we must be absolutely loaded now aswell
  17. Hope he left a bite mark on him for proof to everyone
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