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Everything posted by midstoon

  1. Only just noticed, why the pink ball in the fa cup final?
  2. Dimitri Payet on the cheap? http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/premier-league-clubs-alert-marseilles-3554707
  3. http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/476431/Newcastle-turn-attention-to-Darren-Bent-after-giving-up-on-Loic-Remy?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+daily-express-sport-news+%28Daily+Express+%3A%3A+Sport+Feed%29
  4. Its obvious Ashley and co hate the fans and are just interested in money money money.
  5. The fans anger will be simmering all summer & could easily get nasty at the first home game. The problem will be that more than likely the most vocal fans have decided enough is enough and have quit allowing him an easier ride, the only hope if that other fans start turning soon.
  6. Nooooo! Not the Trumpets. They were fun for 2 matches 15 years ago & they still only know 2 f*cking songs
  7. It's not over yet this was just the start. The protests will continue and it won't take much to turn atmosphere at SJP toxic again at the start of next season. pardew has lost many of the fans who he can never win back again.
  8. midstoon

    Shola Ameobi

    I've got a bad feeling about pardew staying and giving shola another year
  9. From the players we keep getting linked with it's obvious Pardews going nowhere. I'm already dreading next season :'( Hopefully the world cup will cheer us up abit
  10. Hate the Bloke more than JFK. Just seeing his smug face makes my blood boil
  11. No Homers http://37.media.tumblr.com/43d3b3d3a7941370eb5cb4ff785a54e1/tumblr_mjiqvrl5kb1qz6g9ko1_400.jpg
  12. Love to see those guys playing with a better manager in charge. They don't stand a chance with pardew
  13. Shame the banner was'nt there today, could have got him to sign it!
  14. Come on cardiff http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WhS9pMsdQtI/TjWG76IAWzI/AAAAAAAAZo0/37VGknIhhMM/s1600/tumblr_lp60bdaBv91qfnac5o1_400.gif
  15. Tbf it was mainly kids. Probably think his autograph might be worth something when the king gets the england job
  16. so it looks like were grabbing all the cheapo brits from the relegation teams!! yeh i'm sure thats going to work well next season
  17. Also makes it in this daily mail article aswell http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2615361/Alan-Pardew-fight-job-Newcastle-long-way-silverware.html
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