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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Intentionally hid behind their midfielder. Absolute shithouse
  2. That Villa game where Luna couldn't have been more embarrassed if his shorts had fallen down
  3. I wonder what Steve Stone's philosophy was. Donuts and the possibility of more donuts to come http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5042/5373745936_4483e74a4e.jpg
  4. Martin Keown BBC Final Score I never got to see Stanley Matthews play, but this guy Jefferson Montero has got full-backs on toast.
  5. The lack of height wouldn't be as much of an issue if we weren't defending on the 6 yard line
  6. Don't even need to watch... "The writing is on the waaaaaall Mr. Mackem"
  7. Quite a bit of really behind the scenes stuff there. The bit with the broken leg in particular
  8. He's going to absolutely flatten quite a few defenders
  9. Robbo

    Papiss Cissé

    His #bantz are absolutely off the scale
  10. I'm sure it wasn't all fitness issues with him, clearly teamworking, tracking back, etc was something Pardew wanted him to understand more. ( after all, that season we were mostly a team of keeping our shape and relying on individual brilliance.) Pardew is a c*** yes, but I certainly don't believe he preferred Obertan because he was technically better. Not that I believe that Obertan's work rate is anything great or quality. And at the same time I don't think HBA's workrate was worthy the fuss by Pardew. (In the following seasons) But in any case, I don't believe Pardews handling of HBA during that season was bad and I don't think it's the reason why it all ended the way it did. Which one do you think he was better at than say... anyone in our squad?
  11. Oh yeah, the only club that supposedly wants him are skint. FFS
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