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Everything posted by GeordieT

  1. Some of the comments on here and across social media are a bit disheartening. Rafas a man who takes intense pride in every aspect of his work, he'll be disappointed too. Good to hear the away contingent singing his name.
  2. I've dealt with Mark Kleinman in a professional capacity. Was an absolute arse in terms of threatening to break stories etc. but he is very well connected.
  3. I don't like Arter but we've got players who do the same like May do - can't say I've noticed. But it was completely at odds with the atmosphere the game was played in. As bewildering as it was unsavoury.
  4. Don't think I've ever been so wrong about a signing. Was genuinely horrified when he joined.
  5. I don't actually think anything he is saying is particularly unreasonable. But of course it negates the fact that the club, as a business - nevermind a footballing entity, has been shockingly managed under his tenure. We have just sat back and relied upon centrally negotiated Premier League TV deals. Commercial revenue ought to be a key driver, a differentiator where we can ought to be able to outperform all but the top eight clubs and enhance our spending capabilities. Newcastle just by association with the Premier League is a global brand. Lack of vision is startling.
  6. Speaks volumes about him to be honest. No ambition to push on.
  7. Saw our very own version of the below today, making a procession under the Milburn stand at the end of the game. Don't suppose anyone got a pic? Not seen one. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/10/21/article-0-025B51E0000004B0-622_468x320.jpg
  8. Expected dates of the replay? Week beginning 16th I'd assume - but we have Brentford on the Monday?
  9. Forest are absolutely dreadful. So much space (particularly out wide) yet we are failing to capitalise. We are really slow in the first phase of possession; passing aimlessly around the back with no real intent. Colback in particular showing little interest in starting moves off. Allowing them to get back into shape.
  10. You can't legislate for having two players sent off in the first half; but I thought we were fantastically organised and disciplined in the face of adversity. It is difficult enough with a numberical deficit of one, nevermind trying to manage a two man disadvantage. Rafa has the team so well drilled, the three in midfield there were shifting across effortlessly.
  11. Villa playing some decent stuff, looked really dangerous.
  12. Stunned Warnock is moaning about that tussle in our box. Was a blatant foul on Mitrovic, had an impeccable view from my seat. Shame the highlight don't shed much light.
  13. GeordieT


    Surely they won't even consider Pardew after this? Skeletons aplenty in his closet. Don't need the hassle.
  14. What happened? So, I didn't have a great view but at circa 85 minutes or so, several hundred Newcastle fans in the Leazes End just migrated on mass - looking to get as close as they could get to the East Stand corner (hosting the Wolves fans). Police had to step into clear the aisles - which were full of people goading our visitors. Not sure exactly what triggered it - knackers aside. I note in the Strawberry corner the back two rows were left vacant and patrolled by stewards. Obviously to put a stop to SportsDirect vandalism.
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