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Everything posted by GeordieT

  1. We've needed this for a decade or perhaps more. Literally transforming the club from top to bottom.
  2. From Pep Confidential: But yeah, just another example of Pardew being a footballing neanderthal.
  3. Comes across really well.
  4. Caulkers problem is his attitude. Is some talent there, but I'd rather we stayed clear.
  5. In what sense was Ashley out a scam? Or this new groups idea? Flippant remark is flippant. A lot of our wonderous fans got straight on the back of SP/AO because it asked for cash. To the point that both groups made their cash flow as open and transparent as possible. I was merely joking in line with said comments. Rather ironically, one of the most vocal critics of SP/AO ( ) is behind/at least involved in this.
  6. Fair play. Get a couple of decent designers on board - the mockups (and I appreciate that's all they were) looked decidedly amateur.
  7. Close to signing for Leicester according to Jean Michel Aulas of all people.
  8. He's fine. Might do alright in the Championship. *shrugs* Struggles to play upfront by himself though doesn't he? Given that Rafa is pretty rigid with his 4-2-3-1 it's an interesting one.
  9. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/strawberry-place-flats-not-restrict-11489253 Not sure if posted elsewhere.
  10. Still have to pinch myself that he's our manager. He gets it. Love him.
  11. This is a good piece on the complexities of creating the fixtures from a few years back. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/paulfletcher/2009/06/secrets_of_the_fixture_compute.html
  12. Hell of a lot of effort to go to if it is fake. It is one thing to make up a round of fixtures, quite another to make up the whole set. Appears to comply with all the usual pairing conventions.
  13. GeordieT


    Need to continue to hold the club and Ashley to account.
  14. Some of the excuses he comes out with are hilarious. Pardewedque. Definitely can recall him blaming a poor performance on a spot of rain.
  15. Does make me laugh when you hear the term "putting yourself in the shop window" banded about; as if scouts just turn up and recommend players based on one game. Any would be suitor will review every on and off ball action over the last couple of years when considering him or anyone else. Someone will take a gamble on him, as he clearly has ability if he puts his mind to it.
  16. Where is that quote from ? http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/newcastles-rafa-benitez-set-face-7970313 Lots in there.
  17. “The fans have done so much. Flattered is the word. They have been fantastic. Even today, the staff were showing me a video of the Newcastle fans singing my name. It was like in Liverpool when we won the Champions League. You cannot expect more from them".
  18. Rafa also said he'd had some input to pre-season so far. #nufc
  19. Couple of weeks away from decision.
  20. maybe being told what they can/can't ask You would think they would do that before he got there though. Craig Hope has a photo of him there 10 minutes ago now, but not a word still.
  21. There is pictures of him on Twitter arriving at the Press Conference (5 mins ago); but nothing from anyone yet. Wonder if the press are being briefed first. Odd.
  22. It's probably the most authoritative source yet.
  23. https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/rafa-benitez-considering-longer-stay-160426336.html Words of Guillem Balague.
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