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Everything posted by GeordieT

  1. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/sport/brexit-plan-to-limit-players-from-abroad-at-premier-league-clubs-2jv5mswfb
  2. I didn't hear any and I'm in that area in the East Stand close to the corner. Absolutely embarrassing if true. Shame because the crowd for once in a blue moon yesterday were great in the second half. I sit in that area and did hear some concentrated, albeit faint booing - fairly certain it wasn't from the corner. Had actually assumed until I saw all the fuss that it was from the Watford end.
  3. So we have sold fuck all then? Not that any self-respecting, progressive brand would want to be advertising at Newcastle.
  4. I really wouldn’t. Save it for a game week in the second half of the season when only a few teams are playing.
  5. http://pictures.reuters.com/Doc/RTR/Media/TR3/7/c/8/8/RTS22EHQ.jpg http://pictures.reuters.com/Doc/RTR/Media/TR3/1/4/c/f/RTS22EHT.jpg
  6. Completely left behind on infrastructure - although I’m surprised a few cans of paint account for £10m. Will take decades to catch up.
  7. GeordieT

    Players in public

    Paul Dummett at the Times Square fanzone.
  8. GeordieT


    That announcement video. Cringe.
  9. Triple captain Kane. Tough choice between him and Lukaku. Bench boost, leveraged well is likely to yield a better return. So will wildcard in GW36 and try and have a full fifteen doubles in GW37.
  10. Indeed, maturity of the crowd was pleasing. Only real tantrums I saw was with regards to some of the players application, certainly not the approach.
  11. Traffic was horrific - slightly surprised it hasn't been delayed.
  12. Fucking muppets coming out of the woodwork. Group of lads chanting the 'fat Spanish waiter' ditty outside the East Stand at the end. Pathetic.
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