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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. https://twitter.com/stokeyyg2/status/1750237653402833335?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ
  2. For me it isn’t about accounting or amortisation, it’s about anti competitive rules that protect the already wealthy clubs in what they see as their entitled positions.
  3. It would be mine however objections will be made by people who live nearby in Spital Tongues etc whilst the arena site has far more potential and close to metro’s, hospitality etc.
  4. Arena site for a new stadium….the only way forward
  5. They haven’t been charged with a criminal fraud where the burden of proof is beyond reasonable doubt, I would think that a tribunal would be ‘on the balance of probability’ however the charges are incredibly complex and even if they were found guilty there would be an appeal. It could eventually end up in the law courts and City could use the nuclear option, challenge the legality of FFP. Then what?‍♂️
  6. Of course if they build a new stadium at either the Arena site or Castle Leazes we continue to play at SJP.
  7. Women’s team sportswashing their way to the WSL before they’ll get there. Completely and utterly broken this lot.
  8. Everything at the club should be up for sponsorship if we are to compete.
  9. Deals under £1 million aren’t subject to FMV so a good few of those please.
  10. Which we all kind of knew, City’s legal team will wipe the floor with any independent tribunal.
  11. Worth a listen for all those what about City people.
  12. I’ve said it many many times the only way to halt this shit is to legally challenge the rules.
  13. Highly thought of at the FA. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/12016/11509145/dan-ashworths-huge-role-in-englands-transformation-explained
  14. That’s why FFP will dominate discussions and the more clubs that are deducted points then the clamour to change things will only become louder.
  15. Because arguably both are impacting the game negatively.
  16. UEFA’s FFP is even more stringent from what I understand……how will that benefit us? I’d also add that any new changes to FFP rules in the PL would need to be voted on by the clubs and in the current climate would they get changes through?
  17. the PL are not exempt from UK Competition Law as their attempt to cap football agents fees has already shown, the PL lost the case by the way.
  18. Even if the government did that such a move would also be open to a legal challenge.
  19. There’s so much FIFA, UEFA and PL involvement in restricting clubs commercial activities that legal challenges will come sooner or later. Forest, who are to be asked to explain their spending today by the PL have already engaged NDM and their owner would be just the person who would challenge FFP under competition law..
  20. I’m surprised that UK competition regulators aren’t looking at FFP and FMV.
  21. We were one of them when owned by the FCB.
  22. If City are found guilty they have the nuclear option………challenge FFP in Court, if it’s shown to be a breach of Competition Law then move to have the FFP charges dismissed.
  23. City’s team bus at our training ground!! https://x.com/nufc_scotty/status/1746156951782797325?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ
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