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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. No, not outright, they did own 9% I believe, in the 1990’s. Edit, found this. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2003/oct/07/bskyb.broadcasting
  2. It isn’t about what the state may or may not do, it’s about separation of PIF which appears to have been established.
  3. And there are negative posters who constantly repeat themselves, it isn’t a one way street.
  4. The semi’s, it means they’ll be in despair for that little bit longer.
  5. Might as well focus on the takeover as I’ll bet jack shit will happen during the transfer window.
  6. Ashley pushes the takeover through and he gets what he wants, we get our club and hope back, win win I’d say.
  7. Whatever you think of Keith or his motives he commenced the legals under anti competition legislation. The club have now decided to take over the reins. I’m sure the clubs legals will have reviewed the ‘evidence, that Keith has compiled and decided that there is merit in proceeding. Clearly the snippets that Keith used in the podcast are in the public domain and were used merely to illustrate how lawyers would cross exam anyone giving evidence to the tribunal. All we can do is wait, hopefully the PL will not contest the action and allow the takeover to go ahead. Should this fail the club is fucked.
  8. Unless the PL decide to approve the takeover before any scheduled tribunal takes place. Once disclosure takes place they may well decide not to proceed to a tribunal if documents that the club have are damning.
  9. The “new” OD&T, surely if they amended the test they’d have to use the old test, especially if the new one is stricter?
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57088333
  11. No, MBS will have had their jacksie’s hacked.
  12. I’m not an IT expert, however I’d suspect that data to be migrated would be backed up just in case something went wrong.
  13. I was aware that the PL and the club had nominees however it’s the QC who I don’t think is independent hence I suspect it would have gone against us. The Tribunal however is different and I doubt, I could be wrong mind, that the PL don’t want their dirty laundry aired in public.
  14. The intention is to pressure the PL to pass the takeover without the need to go to a tribunal.
  15. The arbitration panel of 3 individuals appears to be stacked in the PL’s favour, the chair is Michael Beloff QC who has worked on behalf of the PL previously.
  16. I think the strategy is to delay the arbitration and force the PL to pass the takeover without the need for the tribunal to go ahead.
  17. Did the PL ever make a decision with regard to the O&D test? It seem to go on for about 17 weeks from the takeover paperwork being submitted on 9/4/20 without any decision being made, at least that’s my recollection of what happened. Delay and obfuscation would appear to have been the policy applied to the takeover, then we heard about Operation Big Picture that put the PL procrastination into some perspective. The ESL and the power of the so called big 6, the meetings of the 6 with Masters and Hoffman the day before to set agendas for meetings of the 20 clubs is an indication of the the shitbaggery that was going on. I hope the club exposes the malpractices that the PL were involved in and take them to the cleaners.
  18. Someone already commented that the PL use AWS cloud services which makes it difficult to get rid of files etc or destroying hard drives on computers.
  19. Yes, don’t see the sports journo’s making a fuss about this though.
  20. Worth a read. https://www.ibblaw.co.uk/service/commercial-dispute-resolution/evidence-civil-disputes
  21. Let’s hope it eventually becomes 6 in a row?
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