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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. I’ll bet there’s a little concern in the boardrooms of the so called top 6 if this is significant.
  2. its an excellent well written article. Decent
  3. I wonder how many people streamed the hearing? I’ll bet it was significantly higher than they usually have for hearings.
  4. Pigeon’s will do what pigeon’s do, we’ll be shit on again no doubt.
  5. A wonder if it would work on wor lasses tits?
  6. And I believe he’s from Indonesia, corruption central
  7. You’ve never had confidence in the process to lose
  8. I don’t know why but I have a feeling it will.
  9. Is that Latin, these legals love a bit of Latin
  10. Free publicity, his friend has definitely got a best seller on their hands there mind
  11. Or is he hinting arbitration has commenced?
  12. I remember The Football Law legal opinion way back last year, in a summary even Qatari lawyers agreed PIF was a separate legal entity from the Saudi state.
  13. I want this takeover to happen like many, however you can’t possibly know how arbitration or even CAT will go.
  14. Real sense however has nothing to do with it, if legal separation can be shown that’s all that matters.
  15. Regardless, the club still wanted to make the point he could show bias before any arbitration took place.
  16. If that’s the case he could have still stepped down regardless of what the PL wanted.
  17. As far as I understand it, one is appointed by the PL, one by the club, the third one is independent (supposedly) however the independent person, a lawyer has done work for the PL previously.?
  18. Buying a PL club is a small purchase in regard to their overall investment portfolio, however given the popularity of the PL worldwide it’s, in its self, a very significant purchase. The exposure it will give to the Saudi brand is huge something no other league can provide. They could move on of course, however in the sporting/ football world, where?
  19. Don’t forget though, Johnson is a populist and if he thinks that keeping football supporters happy, and not just NUFC supporters, he might see transparency in football as a winner for him. There’s also the Saudi money that pours into the country, he’d welcome more of that.
  20. I suppose it depends on what evidence the club has to show they haven’t followed their own rules and there was outside influences at play.
  21. I doubt it’ll be long before Twat Edwards turns up with his fucking poison!!
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