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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. I’m afraid I’ve become an estranged lover of the club over the last 13 years, I’m optimistic about the future however my optimism is subject to the takeover happening.
  2. He was at the forefront of setting it up, he’s allegedly taking a break. Neill is a well known right winger/brexiteer who……….lives in France?
  3. Should the club lose arbitration and hopefully they won’t, they should put the dirt they have on the PL out there for all to see.
  4. It’s a right wing channel, watched mainly by the brexit gammons, it’s the tv news equivalent of the Daily Mail, Daily Express. As for being a “genuine news channel” you’ve got to be fucking kidding???
  5. Gammon Box News, their viewing figures have slumped, there’s more turn up to watch the Mackems https://www.cityam.com/gb-news-viewer-numbers-slump-after-turbulent-start/
  6. I don’t think the need for transparency is coming from Ashley, the need for transparency will have come from the legals to heap pressure on the PL.
  7. Yes, though I’m sure it will have been agreed with the legals, part of a strategy. I’m also sure the legals will have agreed to the wording before it was released.
  8. Yet there will still be people on here who think he’s a self serving gobshite. Whilst he may not be in the inner sanctum, he clearly is given info of what’s happening before it’s made public.
  9. That’s as positive as I’ve seen from twat Edwards, acknowledging that Ashley could win arbitration.
  10. Your comment could be interpreted as being anti Semitic, just saying.
  11. And she wasn’t a Saudi princess, she is the daughter of the ruler of Dubai, clearly Joey Spunktrumpet spinning his own narrative.
  12. He’s always cooking, out taking pics, now swimming, busy bloke I’m surprised he has time left to do the lawyering shit.
  13. Have you noticed how quiet Luke Edwards and Ben Jacobs have been lately…..strange.
  14. Lieutenant Charnley!!!! Don’t you mean Private Charnley?
  15. Unfortunately here in North Tyneside………mind there’s still no shortage, if you want that kind of thing?
  16. Just had a look, no update on Ashley’s case with the PL.
  17. 60000 fans to be allowed into Wembley for semi’s and Euro’s final.
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