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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. Who passed the appeal or gave a verdict, the WTO Court of Arbitration isn’t functioning. We have to check What was the source of that claim again? This is the relevant text from https://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/disp1_e.htm "Each appeal is heard by three members of a permanent seven-member Appellate Body set up by the Dispute Settlement Body and broadly representing the range of WTO membership. Members of the Appellate Body have four-year terms. They have to be individuals with recognized standing in the field of law and international trade, not affiliated with any government." https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/in-one-month-the-wto-court-of-appeal-goes-lights-out-well-be-in-uncharted-global-trade-waters https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10385 https://www.theregreview.org/2019/10/14/caporal-global-trade-organization-dispute-settlement-system/
  2. Who passed the appeal or gave a verdict, the WTO Court of Arbitration isn’t functioning.
  3. The report is complete. So nothing to delay it. Still due on the 14th (I think). Unless it's appealed against by either or both sides Yes but it can’t be appealed until it’s unveiled... surely? Which is what I (thought I) was answering. Correct. Incorrect https://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/disp1_e.htm So is it possible this report will not apportion blame, but make recommendations for a resolution ? Just by browsing through random reports, they are pretty direct in their statements. For reference, this one concerns the Qatar blockade in general trade terms and it's (understandably) pretty damning on KSA: https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds528_e.htm (The link under latest documents) It still all comes back to whether PIF is a separate legal entity. It’s worth reading through that Football Law Report which seems to indicate the KSA/PIF is a separate entity. https://www.footballlaw.co.uk/articles/newcastle-united-fc-takeover-and-the-premier-leagues-owners-and-directors-test
  4. Because the WTO Court of Arbitration isn’t quorate therefore there’s no one to hear an appeal. That doesn't mean they cant lodge one though surely..... does it? Just because the machinery isnt there shouldn't prevent a lawful appeal, it just can't be heard But how long will it go on for? That would be grossly unfair on the plaintiff and the appellant, don’t you think?
  5. Because the WTO Court of Arbitration isn’t quorate therefore there’s no one to hear an appeal.
  6. I agree, they’re completely incompetent, however given the impact COVID and a potential no deal brexit they will want as much investment into the U.K. they can get from the Saudis.
  7. The Saudis spend billions every year in the UK, I’m sure they don’t want the Saudis pissed off.
  8. Nope but as Chris said we will see, mind you're one of the last people I would want to have an endorsement from I've no idea if he is right or not just thought I'd stir the pot some more. Bit harsh the last part of your post mind. You’re not Odin by any chance
  9. Why does this even matter? The law doesn't need to get involved at all. The directors' test just says that the PL need to believe that anyone who will have influence over the future of the club (Not even as a named director, ie Bin Salman) may have done something dodgy like piracy. Nothing in the directors' test requires anything to have been proven in a court of law, in fact it explicitly states that it does NOT have to be proven in a court of law - Just in the PL's reasonable opinion, iirc. There's no requirement for there to be a legal link between the companies either, as they can just do all of this on Bin Salman as an individual. If they "reasonably think" that A) he's behind the piracy, and that B) he'll have significant influence over the club then they can squash this. A) we all suspect strongly if we're honest, which is - by the wording of the PL test itself - enough. B) is 100% going to be the case, I don't think anyone at all would be able to dispute this with any credibility. Totally disagree with everything you're saying of course it legally matters. Why do you think that PIF are stating that they are a separate legal entity and why do you think you have legal professionals commenting and writing about this a. Strongly suspect has nothing to do with it, by law a reasonable opinion HAS to be based on factual evidence b. If PIF is a separate legal entity then this is certainly not 100% the case, legally it can be disputed and that's the whole point. It's not based on opinion it's what actually stands up within law In The Football Law Report a footnote dated 2nd June 2020 indicating that Quatari and Saudi layers have accepted that PIF is a separate legal entity. Not long to wait hopefully.
  10. I guess we’ll find out next week if the PL are ready to make a decision.
  11. So if they’re independent the PL can’t use the report to block the deal. Yeah, I'm sure the PL will just take their word for it. If it can be shown legally that the are independent then they’ll have little choice, that’s why I fear this will head to the UK courts.
  12. So if they’re independent the PL can’t use the report to block the deal.
  13. The Athletic article is a journo’s opinion piece, it means jack shit, they know nowt.
  14. We went to Blaydon Races was on the 9th of June....... He's no idea man, like the rest of us. If these people know something, from somewhere other than their own mind, then tell us who. But they NEVER do that. True dat, no-one knows really, journos, reporters, players, ex players, me, NUST, nufc.com, Wraith, you, Twitter, FB, the sun, Mirror, Mail, Telegraph, Indie, FT, GC, Keyes, Rafa, no-one. All I know is this will happen soon, and we will be taken over and by the Saudis, AS and the R brothers/family. Something legally as a business has already pretty much happened and just awaits the PL to approve, if they don’t, they will eventually because in reality there is nothing they can do to object this even if they wanted to and tried to do their best to stop it and that’s because everything stacks up legally as a business, legally as per the PL’s own TOS, the FAs and each as individuals who are squeaky clean and bring with them more than just their image and reputations, or wealth, big distinction as people, as in business and as in their own individual key qualities and skills. All of which the PL and any sport, business or operation simply cannot KB because to do so would almost be suicidal on their part commercially, legally, ethically, morally and above all else, financially and that’s what rules most - money. And our guys have enough to buy and sell the entire game here in England twice over and then sum. They dare not let that kind of money go to Serie A, France or wherever... Amen. Its going to happen and I hope everyone has their Heineken in for it. Shite, and I’ve got a fridge full of Stella
  15. I hope so, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the funds have already been transferred to the UK and are being held in an escrow account.
  16. Not in December 2019. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/uk-saudi-arabia-arms-sales-yemen-war-weapons-treaty-oxfam-a9258166.html
  17. They might need to intervene for the takeover to go through. The PL board is seemingly already in Qatar's pocket I doubt the government will intervene and block the deal, Saudi spends billions in the UK every year and they won’t want to piss the Saudis off. If anything they are likely to lean on the PL to let the deal go through, not that anyone would know about it.
  18. I doubt you’d get the result you’re hoping for. Depends on what you think I'm hoping for. I think most people on this thread Would know what result you’d hope for.
  19. I was wondering myself if that was maybe a contingency plan Wouldn’t that give the fat cunt the opportunity to pull out though as that isn’t the deal that’s been agreed?
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