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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. It seems to all boil down to how reliable his sources are. It doesn't really bare thinking about about what happened 2 1/2 years ago. His source is almost certainly Stavely or someone very close to her, considering he’s the one journalist who interviewed her. Yep, it was last time also though. She led him to believe she was going to buy us, then the next thing was Ashley's "timewaster" statement. I hope its a happier ending this time. His interview with Stavely was after it had already fallen apart last time. She was Caulkins "source" throughout that whole affair, just as she is now. Ok. I’m not entirely sure of the point you’re attempting to make? My point, or my worry, is that Staveley is saying Ashley has no way of scuppering this deal now. Ashley's side have planted something via Luke Edwards that by the end of this week "something could happen" if this isn't complete. Now we hear it won't be complete this week. I hope Staveley is correct in that it is a "done deal", but we've been here so many times in the past (including once with Staveley herself), only for it to unravel. I have some doubts that it's as simple as she is leading us to believe. I've often felt that you've shared my level of cynicism Sean, but even I believe that now, there is literally nothing that Ashley can do (without huge expense, and possible litigation, to himself so I don't think that'll happen). It's 100% a PL thing now. It might all still fall apart of course but it won't have anything to do with Ashley. I'll admit it's probably nerves more than anything, but I can't be fully convinced unless Staveley had actually shown Caulkin the contract, which I don't believe she has. I'll be unbelieving till the end I think sadly Surely the PL have seen the contract hence them conducting their Fit and Proper Persons test?
  2. The price and a £17 million deposit has been paid and contracts exchanged, do keep up Wyn?
  3. Nah, they aren’t as Lilly White as they’d like you to believe. I’d rather see one big whip around for the food bank of Newcastle, in fact I was thinking of starting an N.O specific donation page thing for just that if anyone is interested. We (my company) work closely with them and I know a number in the organisation and they are struggling the most with no match day It would be a nice gesture if PCP/PiF funded the Newcastle Food bank when they takeover.
  4. Speculation on players is beginning. https://twitter.com/ManuLonjon/status/1250373329040572416
  5. Where in the states. Miami, Ryder must realise they have the internet there. Of course Ashley knows about the news in the U.K.
  6. This fucking thread needs to be closed/locked. Mods?
  7. FCB muddying the waters before announcing there’s no takeover Won’t be long before we hear from Midhat.
  8. Aye, I wouldn't put it past him to sell the stadium to get some cash then rent it back Does he own the stadium? I understood it’s owned by the local authorities.
  9. I’m a cunt, fuck you lot, add that to the list.
  10. There's been nothing but silence from both sides during every potential takeover. Silence is the key word. Perhaps there has been silence during every 'potential' takeover because there is not and never has been a potential takeover. There's nothing to say if there is nothing. Just like there is now. Nothing. Why are we so gullible? If there’s nothing going on it would be easy for the club or any intended buyer to rubbish any buyout claims.
  11. There's been nothing but silence from both sides during every potential takeover. True, however even the journo’s who mostly try to piss on our parade are acknowledging that somethings up, all they seem to focus on now is speculation that Staveley et al are trying to reduce the price etc.
  12. The silence from the club and the Staveley Group suggest something is going on, whether FCB decides to sell is something else.
  13. Brucey has us within 6 points of them, way closer than Rafa ever did Only because Tottenham are having a shite season and not down to Brucey improving the team.
  14. Should the takeover actually happen the London press are beginning to consider the impact it will have on their clubs. https://www.football.london/premier-league/premier-league-owners-net-worth-18021908
  15. Is someone called Floyd buying the club!? :frantic:
  16. If it gets rid of the fat twat so be it
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