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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Started off dreaming of Mauritius and the Seychelles, would have gladly settled for the Costa Brava. Now we're comparing Butlins with Pontins.
  2. To the tune of Waterloo. Joselu! Couldn't buy Perez but we wanted to.
  3. I mean lets say someone is on the floor in front of you. You're going to walk round them.
  4. Shelvey banned for winnable games. At least the league cup is one of them.
  5. He nailed the bandits a few months after he arrived. when keegan had them sussed- they brought in Dennis wise to keep him in check. not even fit to lace his shoes , let alone supervise him. That level of disrespect.
  6. Unless he's one of those weird top managers who wants to win things?
  7. What we really need is a striker who is competition for Gayle. I'm more than happy with Mitro as 3rd choice and something different from the bench. That said if his sale is the only way to get the comepetition for Gayle then I'd reluctantly sell.
  8. Signed him on my PES master league this year. 6 month loan from Dortmund. Helped me get out of the Championship, wouldn't have wanted a permanent transfer.
  9. Hope this transfer isn't just an attempt to pull the wool over our eyes.
  10. Yeah. We're shit looking at that. I do have faith in Rafa to make sure we are more competetive in games. Can't see us getting battered often and think we will be in touching distance in most games.
  11. God this club is maddening. Other than Rafa and his backroom staff is anyone competent?
  12. By that token De Jong would already be Pele.
  13. To a certain degree its probably down to us winning more than losing last season and vice versa in the Premier League.
  14. Is that USL club he owns a pro outfit? Genuine question, I don't know. Looking at their players I'd assume it's a pro outfit but I don't know.
  15. Can't help but feel happy for Murphy. Imagine signing for your boyhood club for a manager like Rafa.
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