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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Bring it on! Start your posts with Spurs fan in peace from now on.
  2. Calling us idiots like? Reigniting the rivalry?!
  3. His earlier tweets suggest he knew some time ago he wasn't being kept on.
  4. Even Michael Jackson would wince at that.
  5. Like when Dad tells you there aren't burglars in the house.
  6. Well the first chance was last summer, didn't happen, the second chance was January, didn't happen. Maybe third time lucky.
  7. Obertan offered dick though, Mitrovic offers something he just can't finish at the moment.
  8. I doubt anyone in the media knows much about it to be honest as investigative bodies tend to not live blog their investigations.
  9. Arrested for questioning. Charnley well may have been arrested as he is high up but not paid terribly well, potentially making him a good source of information.
  10. Just glad it's not as part of the sexual abuse in football probe.
  11. That was transfer dealings, not Payroll taxes. Similar as in there was a raid, documents were seized. Transfer dealings could well equal income tax and NI fraud. It really isn't worth speculating as to what has gone on until an announcement is made. All the money that is in football you can guarantee big steps are taken to avoid tax liability at every turn.
  12. Doesn't really help to speculate as to what it might be at the moment.
  13. People would do well do remember that simiilar happened when Souness was here.
  14. Yet the only reason that ball came into the box was as a result of some very good play by him in the channel.
  15. Should be kept but no higher than third choice. Offers far more than Shola unless we're talking about when Shola was young and played for a much better team.
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