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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I'm not saying I can't see the logic in this viewpoint, but it's so disappointing that these are your parameters.
  2. http://www.themag.co.uk/assets/2011/12/BenArfa13.jpg Hatem Ben Arfa told he has no future on Newcastle-Online.
  3. Agree with TCD, if the Hatem Ben Arfa stuff the Journal ran is true it's likely to annoy Mike far more than on the pitch results. Just knocking value off assets.
  4. What a man. Great source of pride for the club.
  5. Dude, that probably means your turd at explaining yourself.
  6. Why wouldn't you keep it if you were Ashley?
  7. I just struggle to make a distinction between selling our players and signing significantly cheaper replacements and squireling away a lump sum.
  8. Fair enough. I think if he were to sell tomorrow the TV money would inflate the sale price by £60m (or whatever it is).
  9. do you think if he took the TV money and held out for what he paid he'd find a buyer ? fwiw I believe if he'd been offered an even break deal he'd have took it any time since that Hull game. Yeah I do. I don't think thats too controversial either, all you'd need is someone predicting growth in the premier league.
  10. Im just saying clubs will still be sold after the TV money has been and gone. Quite easy money for him to take. Whether it forms part of his repayment, recouping etc, or just a rich man getting a little richer
  11. if he takes the TV money he'll stay here as no one will buy without that money still being in the pot. tit for tat no? Would always be accounted for in the sale price.
  12. He's sole shareholder so he can pretty much do what he wants.
  13. I reckon he will take the TV money before he leaves. Why wouldn't you?
  14. Right now if you'd said a strong correlation that would have been fine. No. I don't expect anything from the club other than a committed progressive approach to football. We should try to be the very best we can, i'd bet we'd be pleasantly surprised by the results.
  15. What a divvy, we might as well not bother playing football, we should just look at everything at the beginning of the season and award league places at that time based on how much teams pay in wages. That's pretty much how it always turns out, yep. In every league ever. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make and I don't think you are either. This equals a statistical trend does it? Pointless thing to talk about. Stevie Wonder could see what Mick's point was.
  16. Yeah Montpellier were paying more than PSG in 11-12.
  17. Really was a good goal. Showed a lot of composure. Shaped to hit it on the 18 year box, dummied the shot, lost his man then curled it into the left hand corner.
  18. That Henry thing was some interview where he was asked if he could sign anyone who would he sign IIRC.
  19. What fucking pleasure will be left at this club soon?
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