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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. It really doesn't take a leap of faith to see Shola coming on before Ben Arfa. Sammy before Hatem? Fucking hell. It's like he's trying to break him. Souness style ineptitude. Think Cisse will score though.
  2. He needs an arm round him, some coaching and some application. Then he ought to be alright at left-back.
  3. Though arguably a case of needs must, I hate to see a guy who has spent the overwhelming majority of his career as a full back, bastardised and played in Central Midfield. Just don't see how this is going to help Santon recover his form.
  4. Probably would have just gone over his head.
  5. What a heap of s****, we haven't won a trophy for 45 years and it's all Pardew's fault. The issue isn't not winning trophies, it's not trying to win trophies. We try, we put 11 men on the pitch we're just s*** at it.
  6. Absolutely. How are you finding things at the club at the moment Ian? This isn't a dig at all I'm just wandering what you think of the direction things seem to be going in.
  7. We will see plenty of him after Colo leaves in the Summer.
  8. We're still fighting for this title and they've got to go to Hull and get something....
  9. Whatever happened to the likely lads?
  10. That's probably how he got us top of the league. Or as we call it 8th.
  11. 'I always put out a team to win the game' Give me strength.
  12. Imagine Ashley's face, learning that a guy that has a history of doing well (according to my quick glance at wiki) wants to come in and probably spend some cash. He singed Charlie Adam and Stewart Downing for Liverpool, man. Though Ive no idea if he had more input or if it was Dogleish. You'd probably know better than I. Two motherfucking thousand and god damn five, ffs. Nine f***ing years later this September, man. Again, how many derby losses and relegations do I have to experience before I'm a Newcastle fan you f***ing rat b******s? Rattled. Dick. Don't worry Mike, at the end of the storm, there's a golden sky.
  13. Can see him looking alright with LDJ
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