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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Was expecting the player he 'passed' it to to appear on screen. He never did.
  2. The fuck was that. Fucking biased commentary to boot too.
  3. Did you ever get that Beagle TT?
  4. The Premier League is a pretty naff competition.
  5. That and the fact he's a footballer.
  6. To borrow from Mike Tyson 'a wretched slimy reptilian mother fucker'
  7. Pardew's done alright with the fans with s*** results. EDIT - Probably wrong thread, sorry.
  8. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lox02eaI2C1r0wgiuo1_400.gif
  9. I'm not sure I'm too keen for us to sign a striker who needs good service.
  10. Placing the club in administration in the process. Aye. You couldn't cook the books, Stifler
  11. Not taking anything away from him, but that says it all about the club. I don't think it does to be honest. He's just played well all season - had we pushed on in January and kept up with Everton and the likes, I think we'd still be nominating him as a contender. Nice to see as well, might I add. He seems a decent and honest bloke, and just gets on with his job, regardless of his role. Probs right, im just hatin on the club today.
  12. Not taking anything away from him, but that says it all about the club.
  13. Plenty of balls by passed the midfield today, incredibly frustrating. Anita clearly instructed to play the ball early and long.
  14. Fucking cunt. Past 25 years, we have made two good managerial appointments, we will continue to tread water and alienate our good players whilst he is here. At best.
  15. Or like a chess game. because that's a riveting spectator sport.
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