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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. He looked to have made a significant improvement yesterday in terms of getting himself back into position.
  2. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-N6ojjmswx00/URNjLj0wZ8I/AAAAAAAAHIw/9QCVZ8_yVwQ/s1600/YAWN.gif
  3. Fuck off saying anything other than he was unlucky to have a legitimate goal disallowed yesterday.
  4. Makes the most of his ability. Consummate professional and smart footballer. Great guy to have at the club.
  5. Wasn't it a Dennis Wise signing? Think so aye, seem to remember we paid over £500k for him although could have been paper talk rather than an actual figure Was that at the same time as Ben Tozer?
  6. By the way discussing what needs to happen for him to get back to form is not the same as excusing his poor performances.
  7. FYP No you broke my post. He had good chances to score goals, he didn't. Not saying he didn't, and it seemed to affect his confidence, but when Ba was played through the middle for us he never hit a poor patch of form for more than a few games, so it's definitely relevant. Not really. I said we were likely to need to create a good deal of chances for Cisse to recover his form. Ba recovered his form far quicker than Cisse has, not that it matters as he plays for Chelsea. Ba is just an example of someone who lost form and regained it whilst at NUFC.
  8. FYP No you broke my post. He had good chances to score goals, he didn't.
  9. bad patch vs. sub-standard 18 months Not the point I was making. You're living in the past, man.
  10. A striker in such poor form is going to need a fair few decent chances to get back in any sort of groove. When Ba had his bad patch he looked equally toothless.
  11. How else should people construe 'still them trying to flog him publicly'? Stories linking players away are always unwelcome but I don't think its in the selling clubs interest to go about it in this way.
  12. Cabaye saw the article and refused to play.
  13. Fucks sake, its likely to be little more than getting hits on the website. If Ashley, Kinnear and co want to sell players they just need to talk to agents, instead of 'leaking' an article. Its a website for cheap sports tat not the NUFC classifieds section.
  14. It's kids these days. Wanting the world.
  15. God forbid a Canadian Teenager shows a little humility.
  16. Can see Cabaye getting proper sulky with him if France fail to qualify.
  17. Just saying we're being mugged off by some Canadian teenager.
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