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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Two years on and he goes with the game plan that beat Swansea two years ago. Progress.
  2. He reminds me of the time I smashed the bolt ring off my car's gearbox. Essentially couldn't go above third gear without being kicked back out into neutral. He's going to limit what we are capable of. I know Ashley is too but Pardew is far easier to remove.
  3. Supposed to be the leagues form team. Nothing of the sort evident today. Shoddy.
  4. Cheers for the update. Pardew gave him a virus. Or maybe Cisse poisoned him as part of his heel turn.
  5. The stand-out most gifted footballer in our squad isn't in the match day squad. Until we hear he's injured its concerning.
  6. fortunate that you have inside knowledge of what took place and when between pardew, llamblias and ashley ian otherwise people might think you were talking out of your arse Are claiming you have insider knowledge? Because without it, if one assumes that he engineered the change, with no evidence either way, that would be talking out of one's anus. Even if you assume the absolute worst, that Pardew met with Ashley and Llambias and agreed to take the job before Hughton was sacked, that's par for the course in football. What could be worse than that, Pardew used Jedi mind tricks or sacrificed a kid in a voodoo ritual to brainwash Mike into giving him the job? I really don't get it. Casting couch.
  7. But he was onside which means he was addressing the problem.
  8. I think you're right at times, the last few days have been alright though IMO. The luck argument is slightly pointless, but it's something to talk about from a slightly different angle. Vintage Ian right here. Partially agree, then disagree. You know there's no beef here its just how you try to be so civil.
  9. Given your fondness for quoting passages of time in this thread....
  10. Such a fucking waste too. It wouldn't take a huge amount for us to appear ambitious.
  11. Anything other than this is just words for the sake of it.
  12. I just thought when he was coming forward, even within his own half as an outlet, he was busting a gut in order to get back into the line. He hasn't been the best at doing it this season. Whoever has got him working on that deserves some plaudits, as even though its obvious a bad habit was clearly developing.
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