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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. It's definitely fake. The proof of being able to 'take the club on to the next level' is such bull.
  2. 'equally to blame' Absolute fucking nonsense.
  3. No. The dispute is contractual so what matters is the terms between the two parties. They could (and should) have dismissed Johnson but ultimately if the contracting party wishes to keep a contract going in spite of breach they can do.
  4. The legality of Sunderland's actions will likely hinge on the terms of the players contract. I would be staggered if Sunderland didn't at least take advice and get told they had an arguable case before taking the course they have. I should think that they will have done this in the hope that they can negotiate less liability than what they would have if his contract remained in full.
  5. The season they were runners up (08/09) they scored more goals than any other team in the league.
  6. They ripped us to shreds that day. They were not a dour functioning side, they were a decent football team with good players.
  7. I think we’ll be fine but unpretty.
  8. Looks like Richard Keys and Gerry Adams had a baby.
  9. Would settle for him being Hector Salamanca.
  10. Blast from the past. http://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/your-references-are-out-of-control-gif-5.gif
  11. He’s blatantly telling the lads about all the girls.
  12. Ricky George jailed for 2 years for money laundering.
  13. Whilst I don’t think he has a bad first touch at all there were a couple of occasions yesterday where he was knocking it too far ahead of him and it was his strength that bailed him out. First game of the season no biggie.
  14. Too bad we couldn’t have signed him. If nothing else we’d have made some money in a year or two when he was sold.
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