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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. There's a fair few non-strikers who got more than his 8 PL goals. Sanchez has scored 1 more goal and has 1 more assist than Perez.
  2. He's competent on the ball. Mike Williamson was weak on the ball.
  3. 'Seeking to play down his role as a decision-maker at Sports Direct, Ashley told Mr Justice Leggatt he was not “Obi-Wan Kenobi in charge of the Death Star”, seemingly mistaking the legendary Jedi Master for Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith.'
  4. Think too many people are forgetting that he's not Obi Wan Kenobi in charge of the Death Star.
  5. Went for Ayoze, he's had a thankless job for most of the season. Worked his bollocks off throughout and his form on the final stretch has been superb. Next year could be a big year for him if we make an improvement in front of him.
  6. Grant, the annoyingly good looking lawyer with the flashy car that you just know won't treat her right. This is some prejudice right here.
  7. Assuming the Beardsley enquiry will be done by then
  8. What other colours of crocodile are there?
  9. Can’t wait for the Grayson interview on Men and Motors.
  10. He's more Don Fisher than Corleone.
  11. I doubt creditors are too bothered about who is paying them back
  12. If you’re looking to enforce this type of restraint you need to act swiftly and decisively otherwise you weaken your position by essentially tacitly accepting the breach.
  13. A clause featuring in a contract is not the same as it being enforceable in law. In essence it’s a restrictive covenant and I would suspect that given they don’t tend to feature in football, lawyers generally have been of the view they are likely to be unenforceable.
  14. 11 in 13 for Fulham now. That's decent form. He's been MOTM in 6 games too. My concern is that you look at his goals for Fulham and most of them involve Fulham being collectively high up the pitch, with plenty of width on both sides. That just isn't how we play. So you look at his highlights and the temptation is to say he's improving and he's getting better at being in goal scoring positions. To me this is a symptom of how Fulham set up. I think if he was playing for us he would be spending too much time away from the goal and as such not really threatening. Of course, we may add some quality to the team and I think he brings good variety to a forward line. I'd like to see us keep him on balance but I can't see him being a line leading striker for us in the short to medium term. The above is academic if he doesn't apply himself in training in the manner expected.
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