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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I remember losing 22-0 once at u13 level. We were chuffed when we lost the return fixture 8-0.
  2. Balloon going up? Him and Merino leaving in quick succession does little to allay fears of funny goings on.
  3. We’re so fucking shit and I hate it.
  4. Aye it was proper shite the second half of last season like. We’re a mid engined super car with a limiter at 70mph.
  5. Haven’t seen him post for a while.
  6. Aye it was proper shite the second half of last season like. We’re a mid engined super car with a limiter at 70mph.
  7. But imagine if we had both Dubravka and Kenedy from the start of last season? If we have the option I’ll be excited. We need to upgrade our squad, Kenedy is a welcome addition but I’m more bothered about what else comes in. I think you’re probably right to question where we would have been with both, we’re just a hard club to get excited about.
  8. I mean I’ll enjoy watching him play but it’s hard to get too excited when we are just achieving parity with the second half of last season.
  9. Aye, a six month "purple patch". He's sorted his attitude out (cheers Jamaal), his fitness out (cheers random PT), he's retired from international football (cheers Mo) and he's 31 (my age). People go on like he's 34/35. Like proper old. Shut your noise.
  10. Smacks of silly buggers with Rafa not being able to spend the entirety of any incoming transfer fees.
  11. It’s class being able to talk to everyone about the game on Saturday.
  12. :lol: Hate how he's being forgiven for that '96 pen. Broke my 8 year old heart.
  13. Townsend suffers from Sissoko sydrome a bit. It's his ability to get us higher up the pitch and quicker that will be an asset as much as his goals.
  14. That sounds like management speak Gareth and I know you hate that.
  15. Cleaming pretty hard right now.
  16. Kane just seen the half buried Statue of Liberty
  17. What did we bid for Bryan Ruiz?
  18. Japan played incredibly well last night. Such disciplined use of pressing without possession and space with it. Really did make everything look very simple. The first goal they conceded was woeful and they were so daft throwing that many numbers forward at the end of the game considering they'd won bugger all in the air all night. Those errors aside it really was a fantastic team performance considerably beyond the sum of their parts. Love how players leave nothing of themselves out there at the World Cup. Worried that Colombia will give it everything tonight though and England will miss out.
  19. Luckily the sporting limb of Newcastle United don't make any money from shirts so who gives a fuck.
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