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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Add Lindon Gooch and Donald Love if they're still there and you've got the cast of a porno nobody wants to see. Donald Does Dallas Stuart Dallas?? Not a chance he's dropping two divisions to sign for these.
  2. Very good, but what the PL seems to have completely overlooked in all this is even if the PL accepted MBS as a director of PIF, as the Crown Prince, does he really have the inclination to get involved in the politics of running a football club, when he has a massive country to run. Anyway why doesn't PIF set up a limited company in Al Rumayan's name and make him the owner/managing director/Chairman of that company and have that company buy us, in much the same way Sheikh Mansoor did with Man City. That would sever any direct link to the SA government and MBS. Everyone knows that the club belongs to Mansoor, and if he told them to sell the club to a third party and place the money into his bank account it would be done. If they're contending that MBS ultimately controls PIF then PIF establishing another company in someone else's name only wouldn't solve the matter if that company is controlled by PIF as PL would argue that MBS still controls that company via PIF. The Mansoor comparison is an interesting one and one that I'm sure the PL are not finding very helpful at the moment!!!
  3. Yep. This is what sticks in the craw for me- that was probably the one singular event which signalled the start of Newcastles fall from grace (although of course since then it has nearly all been self-inflicted.) Without missing out on the top 4 in 2003/4 Robson doesn't get sacked, there's no Souness nearly bankrupting the club whilst simultaneously ruining the first team squad beyond all recognition and potentially no Mike Ashley. IIRC nobody from Newcastle ever came out and said Chelseas takeover wasn't fair or immoral, we just got on with trying (badly) to complete. So why should other clubs get the chance to whinge on and influence matters when we're in a similar position?
  4. Add Lindon Gooch and Donald Love if they're still there and you've got the cast of a porno nobody wants to see.
  5. Correct. The only avenue for appeal would, I imagine be CAS. Problem is, you can't launch an appeal if they don't make a decision. *insert Eddie Murphy gif here*
  6. Think they shy away from making that claim these days, just in case
  7. I'm in the same camp here. He does have the flair and composure of a better player but I'm rarely wow'd by anything he does, other than his ability to win freekicks at a canter. I think he gets too hung up on this most fouled player thing and plays for it too often to the detriment of his game. He's much more effective when he's trying to move the ball on quickly then get himself forward between the lines showing for a return pass.
  8. Apparently the 9 clubs weren't opposing the appeal itself, they were opposing any potential application by Man City to compete in the CL pending the outcome of the appeal. All academic in the end as appeal was heard before the end of the 19/20 season. Fuck knows why other clubs get a say in it though, or why on God's green earth we decided it affected us and we needed to get involved.
  9. Merit to this - calling “mine” is a yellow card in Australia, right from Under 7s to, I’m pretty sure, semi-pro level (at least) EDIT Actually, it’s only a free kick until U11s, because little kids don’t get cards here... Does that rule apply to everyone, even if they're going for the ball themselves? When I did my ref's training (in 1998 so a while back) it was only a yellow card for ungentlemanly conduct if you were stood behind an opponent and said it dishonestly to make them leave it. Packed reffing in a couple years later so not up to date with the nuances in the rules. I'd also add that even in the 90s every coach of every youth team, even those that just seemed to coach the kids to cheat rather than play football, was telling their players to "put a name on it" rather than shouting "mine." Sorry if that's a daft question.
  10. It is happening on Monday, as I have said many times. The MANORPARKIANS Group, are never wrong! OK, if it goes through tomorrow I will join your cult.
  11. Not quite as bad but Blackburn tanked pretty badly the season after they won it iirc. Only down to 7th. Leicester was worse, down to 12th. Tbf 7th isn't alll that bad- still underperforming for the squad they had - but for some reason my teenage memory had them floating around lower mid-table having a proper shocker.
  12. Not quite as bad but Blackburn tanked pretty badly the season after they won it iirc.
  13. Wallsendmag will be fuming even more since he insists Leeds have never been a big club. They aren't. s*** history, s*** crowds historically, and a shithole of a stadium! Yeah, you just need to convince the rest of the country now, we've had a week of stories and tv debates about how great it is to have Leeds back in the big time. But keep at it, your one man campaign to declare Leeds a historically small club might snowball into something bigger. Didn't say they were small, they're just not that big. Crowd wise, trophy wise, stadium wise, all bang average really. They've spent more of their history outside of the top division than in it ffs. There's literally nothing there that can define them as a big club. Are we still talking about English football? Maybe your idea of a big football club is one which is a worldwide CL giant? There are 9 clubs in England who are historically bigger than Leeds, arguably 10 if you include the mackems. Leeds only had their 100th anniversary a year or so ago. They were good in the 70s which is why the boomers generation get all misty eyed about them and why they have so many fans in Norway and Ireland as that's when those 2 countries started showing English football on tv. But that once you look past the hype there is objectively very little to differentiate them from a Sheffield Wednesday or even a West Brom in terms of attendance and trophies. The city is mint for drinking in though and I've got to say I do like Elland Road as a stadium even if it isn't all polished and sparkly. But it's not just the boomers who get misty eyed about Leeds, we've had a week of journalists and pundits wanking off about Leeds returning to the Premier. It's a shame there's not likely to be crowds next season, otherwise you would have seen the difference between a Leeds fanbase and the Sheffield/West Brom ones. As for Sunderland, well my heart bleeds for them in the third division. Oh what a tragedy. As for those who don't want to discuss these random topics in this thread, feel free to update us on the riveting takeover updates, no doubt we'll all get so hyped we can't talk about anything else! Aye and what generation do you think most (not all admittedly) of the pundits are?? We don't need hypothetical crowds for next season to know that Sheff Wed have averaged higher attendances through their history than Leeds, that's not an opinion it's an objective fact. Similarly that they've won exactly the same amount of major trophies as west brom. I'm not trying to piss on anyone's parade and by all means carry on getting excited that Barcelona of Beeston are back where they belong if you want but Wallsend mag is quite correct when he says that Leeds are not one of the giants of English football despite the exaggerated opinion they have of themselves and despite the media's indulgence of said opinion.
  14. People getting radge about this thread going off topic is making me For the record the beer garden in the Oak in Headingley is one of the best places in the country to watch an England match in the Euros/World Cup, and that's my final word on the matter. Scouts honour.
  15. Wallsendmag will be fuming even more since he insists Leeds have never been a big club. They aren't. s*** history, s*** crowds historically, and a shithole of a stadium! Yeah, you just need to convince the rest of the country now, we've had a week of stories and tv debates about how great it is to have Leeds back in the big time. But keep at it, your one man campaign to declare Leeds a historically small club might snowball into something bigger. Didn't say they were small, they're just not that big. Crowd wise, trophy wise, stadium wise, all bang average really. They've spent more of their history outside of the top division than in it ffs. There's literally nothing there that can define them as a big club. Are we still talking about English football? Maybe your idea of a big football club is one which is a worldwide CL giant? There are 9 clubs in England who are historically bigger than Leeds, arguably 10 if you include the mackems. Leeds only had their 100th anniversary a year or so ago. They were good in the 70s which is why the boomers generation get all misty eyed about them and why they have so many fans in Norway and Ireland as that's when those 2 countries started showing English football on tv. But that once you look past the hype there is objectively very little to differentiate them from a Sheffield Wednesday or even a West Brom in terms of attendance and trophies. The city is mint for drinking in though and I've got to say I do like Elland Road as a stadium even if it isn't all polished and sparkly.
  16. So strange that it's been the conventional way of distributing sports broadcast packages across most of the Middle East, Spanish-speaking Latin America and vast swathes of Africa for decades. So strange! Yes, it is strange because it seems like a completely backward way to offer content. What if a French company outbid all UK companies and took Bundesliga, La Liga, Formula 1, NFL and only allowed you to watch it via their set top box or online subscription service? What if within that time frame relations between France and UK went completely backwards? It's not an issue to you Penn, because you're sitting at your home far away from the area. I'm not defending Saudi in this, I'm just saying it's f***ing odd when you think about it deep down. Put yourself in their shoes. But if that's how the rights are sold, that's how they're sold. If you can't watch something for some reason, tough s***. You have no intrinsic human right to watch football matches. I mean, most of the 3pm games are available in countries which are NOT the UK, but we can't watch them. That's just how life works. We have the right to watch the things we have the rights to, that's it. People in China can watch different PL games to people in Spain, who see different games to people in MENA. Everything is packaged up and sold as the PL wish, and there's f*** all any of us can do about it (legally). We, or indeed any of those countries, certainly can't just decide to rip up the agreements that the PL legally struck with any country or territory just because we don't like the deal's impact on us. That's nonsense. And yes the way the PL offer out content IS backwards. It has been for years. It will continue to be so for years because their objective isn't to offer what works best for the consumer but to maximise their own revenue. Watching SA devalue BeIN's contract by unilaterally banning them from broadcasting in the largest country in the region they hold the rights to is NEVER going to go down well with the PL. A company, the PL, whose sole purpose is to maximise revenue, has watched one of its major rights holders have their rights massively devalued and are then have the country who did that ask them to approve their ownership of Newcastle. I can completely understand why the PL are somewhat reluctant to do this. You can't watch them but somehow find a way to do so. I'm not arguing with you on the PL's point of view either, totally makes sense too. Just trying to think clearly about this whole thing (which is a f***ing mess). I would like to know if the countries within the region agreed to be part of this or not. I assume they did, but not sure. The deal that Bein has for exclusive MENA rights is with the PL only. It means the PL can't sell rights to broadcast anywhere else within that region for the time frame that the agreement covers. It's on Bein to make sure it has the legal right to broadcast in each country and neither Bein nor the PL have the legal power to force any jurisdiction to allow any rights-holder to broadcast within its territory. One would imagine that most broadcasters will be confident of establishing this before bidding for rights packages and that the likelihood of being able to do so would to an extent be reflected in the negotiated price of the package. Trying to work out the implications here is less straightforward. It may be that KSA have banned Bein this in an attempt to force them to pack it in with influencing the PL re the takeover, it might even be that KSA has legitimate grievances with Bein's practices being contrary to Saudi law. Either way, the move will have royally pissed off Bein as the value of its rights package has effectively been diminished and in all likelihood has pissed off the PL as not only is it getting more of a headache from Bein but this has potentially reduced the price its MENA rights package will fetch next time it comes round. There are many ways to piss the PL off but negatively impacting on one of its revenue streams is the absolute doozey. The PL can't fail the takeover purely on thise grounds, but if the PL suspect that the banning of Bein is contrived and contrary to existing Saudi law then that could maybe put PIF in jeopardy of failing the test on the "act of dishonesty" rule??
  17. someone tries to explain: but he still feels hard done by: Imagine the confusion and fewm when they start on -12
  18. Definitely not a moral check been carried out that's for sure, or this was dead in the water the moment it was put forward. They've prioritised their IP and money seemingly, hardly a shock. In my view the problem Masters has is that last time the rules were updated they didn't foresee a situation like this where there would be a potential takeover which by all accounts is unpopular with a lot of member clubs (boohoo) and more importantly one of the league's biggest sponsors. He surely wants to reject it but there's no written rule saying that takeovers can be vetoed by a broadcasting partner. So they'll keep digging away with the piracy until either they've got enough to reject or time itself has cone to an end. But yes, even he knows that rightly or wrongly the PL can't reject on moral grounds
  19. I'll be honest mate, I preferred you when you were on Geordie Shore, I really did. THE Geordie Steve? Only if you ignore the other 709
  20. I'll be honest mate, I preferred you when you were on Geordie Shore, I really did.
  21. Yep, can't knock Henderson- he might be limited in talent but you can tell he's made the absolute most of what he does have through discipline, work, training hard and living the lifestyle of a professional as opposed to going getting shit faced and trying to abuse as many naive lasses as he can. He might be a tit when it comes to us but you've got to respect the way he goes about his career. In reference your last sentence I'd add it was notable how much he influenced the ref at SJP last season. Apart from one decision in the build up to Rondons goal Henderson pretty much took the whistle and cards at kick off, refereed the match and returned them to the ref at the final whistle. It's an underrated skill and one that's harder than it looks to get right.
  22. All of this is absolutely correct, of course. But as you allude to in your last sentence it's still fucking shameful that people have been trying to get the cunt sacked.
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