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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. I've never been Hurst's biggest fan but bloody hell that is poor even by his standards. Is Caulkin sure it wasn't Michael fucking Martin he was interviewing there??
  2. Having a Maradona Cup without Napoli is stupid anyway. Wonder if they were invited and turned it down or they weren't a big enough "brand" to be invited.
  3. This is nothing more than a general observation (so don't anyone go taking this as aimed at them personally please.) But since the takeover happened this forum has been off its absolute fucking nut.
  4. Fair enough. The club tweet with it was 15:58 so I just assumed that's when the statement was put out. Also heard a theory (that I'm not sure on the logic behind) that it was a hastily-arranged "fuck you" in response to the Palace banner. I hope not because we really don't need the club being run by daft impulsive types. Agree with your comments re the first club statement, but my comments were also about KIO who in hindsight should have approached the club in private rather than tipping SSN off that they urgently needed to raise the issue woth the club. (In fairness they didn't actually release a statement themselves which is what I had incorrectly remembered.)
  5. Tbf, the statement came out at half time in the Palace game but the rest of the post I completely agree with. The wording of KIO's initial statement was OTT and preachy and would clearly cause those it was aimed at to double down and continue. As I posted yesterday, they're now in a position I don't envy- if they're going to issue a strongly worded statement everytime they see something that "could be offensive" they're going to be very busy and piss a lot of people off. Starting with Crystal Palace. Nobody gets everything right all the time and hopefully there's a lesson been learnt about picking their battles.
  6. I think in the case of Palace fans it's more along the lines of if you're going to set yourself up as the voice of moral outrage on football, hold up banners criticising other clubs and release childish statements about deluded geordies supporting the saudis, then you might want to make sure first that your own owner (who you all speak extremely highly of) isn't in bed with exactly the same people. Or you're going to look a bit hypocritical and silly yourself. When people start using the comparison to actually defend the Saudi regime and it's actions (Twitter, dont ask) or shut down criticism of the owners then that's when we start looking ridiculous.
  7. Fuck knows. Excessive freedom of expression in a built-up area? Too many people's feelings hurt in a public place? One thing this takeover has exposed is how thin-skinned a lot of our fans are. We need to learn to take things on the chin more. The takeover makes us fair game for banners like this. In turn, if the takeover goes as well as everyone seems to think it will and we're sweeping all before us in a few years time, Palace are now fair game for us to rub it in their faces when we play them. And so on and so forth. Like it or not it's the nature of the beast and if people are that easily offended then for their own good they might be better off going to watch rugby union or something.
  8. Worth mentioning, in fairness to Palace fans, that they've previously help up multiple banners criticising the premier league and the way modern football is. So it's clearly something they're "into" and this isn't a one-off just aimed at us. That said, the tone of the banner and statement aimed at our fans is unnecessary and looks bitter.
  9. No, I thought we'd be shit. Probably not as bad as we were mind. But what's that got to do with anything?
  10. Are they fighting or dancing? Buckled at the half-arsed gesture of the lad that walks past on 27 seconds there ?
  11. The performance was absolute dogshit today, as bad as anything so far this season. Not that this justifies people giving the owners grief on twitter like.
  12. That banner isn't racist in the slightest like. Although it'll be interesting to see if Kick it out respond now though, they've unwittingly painted themselves into a bit of a corner re: what "could be offensive" to arab onlookers ??‍♂️
  13. In fairness to him, he at least played until the end date of his contract (unlike Owen.) Was an anomaly in that because of covid the season ended after his contract date. They wouldn't sign him up for another year so he didn't want to risk getting injured whilst playing on a weekly rolling contract and endingup unemployed. Not necessarily right, but understandable at least. As for that performance today, he looks like he'd never seen a football before in his life. Arguably the worst of a pretty awful bunch.
  14. Since The Mag went online the criteria for getting published seems to be "doea it have words in." Shame because when it was in print it was the best fanzine by far. As for the Palace banner, the mask slips in the accompanying statement referencing "deluded geordies." It's not motivated by moral outrage, more the desire to score a few hundred "virtue points" before they all get in their Saudi-funded ubers and go home. Not worth getting too riled by.
  15. What's being missed is that if Rafa Benitez had turned up here and carried on the way Bruce did showing hostility from day one, rocking up on Talksport to take the piss out of the fans and arguing with journalists, he'd have been told to fuck off as well. It's almost like people will look at how you are acting towards them and react in kind.
  16. I'd rather move location than rename SJP personally. But if the owners decide to do it, you won't find me kicking off because Im sure they'll be acting in good faith and doing it for the right reasons. The only "red line" for me is keeping the stadium within the city limits. I'd find it very hard to accept if for example they built a new stadium south of the river (have a vague recollection of john hall playing brinkmanship and threatening to do that.)
  17. Not to forget that time he went on Talksport, said that we all expect to be making world-record signings and encouraging every dickhead presenter on there to lay into us for the rest of the day. Such a nice guy.
  18. This is where I stand on him. Never liked the bloke, but wished him well in the future and found the clamour for his immediate sacking over the last two weeks to be a little distasteful in honesty. He'd even have had a slightly undeserved honourable footnote as the man who bridged the gap between Rafa and the consortium, keeping the club up when literally nobody else would take the job. But the last 48 hours has reminded me of what a petty, classless person he is at heart. Fuck him. Even the likes of Pardew had more dignity than this.
  19. There's a big difference imo between the locally based journalists and the likes of Samuel etc
  20. Actually saw a comment on a friends facebook last night, from one of his acquaintances, was an extremely long rant along the lines of: What, if anything, will actually make you Newcastle fans happy? I completely understand Man Utd and Arsenal fans kicking off as their teams have dropped off from relatively recent success, but not you lot. Not sure how you even start to engage with that sort of attitude, it's just ingrained. And that's before we even get onto the suggestion that the fans turned on Hughton ffs.
  21. Glendenning has always been the worst RTG-style voice in the media like. Wouldn't surprise me if he got all his news from there and has at least 5 different profiles. He's never going to write anything remotely pleasant about us and is not to be taken seriously. We were always going to take a bashing from Squires as we were the big story this week and, if we're honest, our new owners are a bunch of cunts and it's worthy of comment. It's not even new- he's basically rehashed the "bullshit rodeo" from his earlier work a few years back which was aimed at Man City and Chelsea fans. We're not being picked on here. I'd hope this week he's got some material from this meeting of 19 clubs and the hypocrisy of (for example) Man City demanding an explanation as to how the league could ever become involved with a regime that doesn't respect human rights. Or the daftness of Everton saying we've nicked their Champions League spot. I'm sure we'll get a mention as well, especially as there will be some dickheads turn up with Saudi flags and teatowels on Sunday, but if it's another rant all about us I'd be disappointed.
  22. Fucking brass neck on Everton of all clubs
  23. David Bick a bit of a dick- you've got the foundations for a decent Viz character in there I'd say. Especially if he carries on like that.
  24. Would be the most Newcastle thing ever to end up with the most financially prudent of bloodthirsty tyrants in charge of the club like You've got a good point though, every man and his dog including non-Newcastle fans seem to think they know the nature of this regime and what its plans will be. This generally involves spunking unfathomable amounts at glamorous, exciting footballers in the hope of making genocide look sexy. Let's just see how this plays out first- the consortium themselves have talked about steady progress, and first things first before the club can make any meaningful progress they've got a right fucking job on putting basic infrastructure in place. By which I don't mean physical infrastructure like buildings and ice baths, but the people that it takes to run a football club properly and not a skeleton staff. It's going to take time to turn this club around.
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