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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Good. Tra to lot of them. Less money in our league is good for hounding out Ashley. Fingers crossed it's a step too far and begins modern football's implosion.
  2. I wouldn't begrudge anyone going along with their mates who support the local team for an afternoon at the match if they want to. Wouldn't do it personally but see no real harm in it. But wearing club colours is appalling behaviour, shows a complete disrespect to everyone there whilst also showing themselves up to be absolute bellends. Surprised no home fans have wanted to "have a word" with them about it either.
  3. ?? Don't know why but it's the way he leaves then walks back for a second go at the statue that gets me. Like he's annoyed the statue is still smiling after he put it in it's place or something. I needed that laugh!!
  4. That's not the point though. Maguire has his back to the ball, his eyes on perez and is fully intent on making sure he doesn't get past him to the ball. As soon as his arm comes out to block Perez it's a foul regardless of the ensuing theatrics and anywhere else on the pitch it would be given as such. No idea how anyone can try and deny their penalty mind or write it off as unlucky or unfortunate. It's just outrageously reckless from Yedlin, he's literally got his arms in the air like a rugby player trying to charge down a kick, what did he think was going to happen?!? The worst thing of all is the shot was going into row Z as well. whole thing was just so needless and self inflicted and perfectly sums up nufc at the minute.
  5. No. The dispute is contractual so what matters is the terms between the two parties. They could (and should) have dismissed Johnson but ultimately if the contracting party wishes to keep a contract going in spite of breach they can do. fair enough. I'm interested to see how this plays out. I find it extremely weird that over the years of modern football I havent seen players sacked (as far as i remember) and now sunderland have just sacked two. If if was that simple I wonder why no on else is doing it I think it's as simple as Chris R has explained it. Normally when players carry on like this it's either in the knowledge that they're important to the club and won't be let go or because they're trying to force a move and in actual fact would welcome the sack as it would leave them free to sign for the other club. And normally when a player isn't wanted because they're on a high wage but not contributing/shit/not considered for selection they've got enough common sense to go through the motions and fulfil their side of the contract or at least pretend to be injured I.e. bogarde, various nufc players in recent years. These silly fuckers didn't have the common sense to do either and were probably arrogant enough to not realise the reality of the situation and/or think they wouldn't get sacked because, as you said earlier, it very rarely happens in football. Footballers not normally being noted for their intelligence or sense of humility and all.
  6. Fuck me, we know they're rattled when that cunt gets wheeled out.
  7. I'm not an employment law expert but, if a player can't be arsed to turn up for work, doesn't make himself available for training and (crucially) doesn't provide a good reason for it, I can't see how he can expect to keep his lucrative contract for, you know, being a footballer. Not sure about the legality of suing him/his future club. Although it could be argued that sunderland have the right to sack him - and again, I'm not an employment law expert -nobody has actually forced them to do so and they could have chosen to keep him had they wanted to do so. In fact, I'd imagine threatening it publicly could be construed as a restraint of trade as the player seeks gainful employment following his sacking? If they don't want to keep him on/pay him, they surely can't stop somebody else from doing so??
  8. Classy club! I notice we’re now hilariously known as the ‘shop shouters’! It's the latest in a long line of the off-the-shelf, pre-packaged, plug-and-play anti-newcastle banter they love so much. See also "1992ers", "that might just be the saddest thing I've ever seen", all deciding to crow about "9-1" and of course the legendary "gravy-stained horse-punchers." It's all good for them as long as it's a simple soundbite that doesn't involve any wit or thought and can just be thrown out in any situation.
  9. As if they've gone and put the full story in the public domain surely the player is due a reasonable level of privacy, even if he has carried on like an absolute wanker. Is there anyone there with an ounce of professionalism?
  10. Not being funny but there's more than a whiff of "we didn't do our due diligence" about all this backtracking. Where have we heard that before?
  11. Tim Nice-But-Dim been seen a few times out and about in Newcastle too......He's being very naive and can have no complaints if somebody puts him on his arse to be fair. If that's true part of me is surprised that nobody has. But that said, I wouldn't recognise him from Adam if he was stood next to me in the queue at Fenwicks cafe.
  12. Joking aside, that Methven is an idiot like. What happens the next time a manager working for him prepares for a game and decides to deploy defensive tactics? He's made a rod for his, and their, back. And for what gain- a pretty cheap pop at Rafa that achieves nothing? What a moron!
  13. He said he was playing devil's advocate and for some of the bollocks he spouted was pulled up by Jenas and the presenter tbf. Doubt he's a Bishop pawn This. He panicked under pressure, fluffed his lines and just repeated "but what if it was your money" as the only argument he could think of on the spot. It was transparent as fuck and a bit cringeworthy.
  14. Thing is, since the transfer window closed Rafa has been hammering home this point about unity and supporting the team inside the stadium and that's the sort of thing that will resonate with the matchgoing fan. When "stand up if you hate ashley" started off in block V today literally nobody joined on. Try to organise a protest in the ground when Rafas saying not to and you risk alienating yourself from a lot of the fanbase. It's a tough one.
  15. I can see why the penalty was given in real time with no replays. I don't agree with it but I can see why it was given. The freekick decision for the winner is just cheating plain and simple.
  16. From the set of fans that bought flowers for the manager's wife And hang on aren't these the same lot that are always banging on with exaggerated stories about us hounding managers out and not supporting them? If I didn't know better I'd say it's almost like newcastle fans just can't win with them pesky mackems
  17. Apparently this was all a misunderstanding based on his affection for terriers and Mr Madley doesn't actually take any interest in the fortunes of huddersfield town
  18. We need to make sure that its clear Ashley is the escape goat He's doing nothing ill eagle is he, noah fence like.
  19. It's because of the false hero narrative. It's because you know that in a matter of months, when SD are no doubt supplying HOF's distribution at a "tidy profit" to you-know-who,you'll see shit like "Ashley has really sorted out house of fraser, which was struggling when he arrived due to a dispute with the distributors" ignoring that he caused the problem himself in the first place.
  20. If you look back at events leading up to her departure I could imagine those left in senior positions would be very keen indeed to do business with her and keep her sweet!!
  21. Thing is with the majority of fans now they have heard it all before an know it’s all just a PR exercise and they ignore it. There will still be some who are taken in by it but that percentage of fans now is very low. On a separate note talking to someone yesterday who knows Dabizas and he was saying if a player throws a shirt into the crowd they get invoiced it off the club. Not sure if that was common knowledge but it just shows what a tight bastard he is. I feel like this should surprise me. But it just doesn't.
  22. Pretty much what I thought, although I can't see there being a direct relationship between our transfer funds and the house of fraser. He can't use the club like a cash machine. Why not? His loan account is in credit, if NUFC receive a large payment of tv money and it's sat in the club's bank account there's nothing to stop him taking it. Not saying he has done like, just that he can if he wants. (Unless you were being incredibly literal in which case I'd agree that he can't put his bank card into the club, press some beepy buttons and then use it to top up his phone etc.)
  23. That was exactly my thought when I saw it. Fits Ashleys MO perfectly- he'll think he's being dead clever and all. Imagine holding professional footballers over a barrel to get the captain to put his name to this shambles. We must be a fucking laughing stock in the world of professional football. As for the bit about the scouting team, I've no doubt it is sincere and they've worked wonders for the owner. Can't be easy working night and day finding a way to stall and prevent so many perfectly feasible prospective transfer deals.
  24. "HIGHLIGHTS - British Gymnastics suspended Louis Smith for two months."
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