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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. The last two frames need showing repeatedly to anyone pissing about with teatowels and Saudi flags on Sunday. Not sure what his point was re them being happy to join up in a consortium where a woman is the figurehead. That's really not an example of misogyny like. Not his greatest frame that one. I'm assuming changing the thread title is a joke like.
  2. definitely. It's going to be an ongoing process as well, lets see how this all pans out in practice. My gut feeling is the Saudis will be silent partners trusting Staveley and the Reubens with the decision-making. But if not, and the club started engaging in activities I find offensive then there may be a point at which I walk away.
  3. I've never been overly vocal about it with other clubs, but this applies to me to an extent. Was probably more applicable to me when Abramovic bought Chelsea rather than Man City's takeover. I didn't want us to be a rich dude's plaything. Fwiw, I still don't, but the past 20 years have demonstrated it's not a fad that's going to go away and it's a case of if you can't beat em, join em. I am in agreement with your comments in the other thread- if we could have Leicester type owners rather than Man City type then I'd take that. Winning two trophies earning them would mean more than hoying billions at winning twenty trophies. But what we've got is what we've got, lets see how it turns out but either way it'll be massively preferential to Ashley imo.
  4. Fwiw I've hears that United with Pride are now taking lots of shit from other LGBTQ+ fans groups behind the scenes. Which makes me feel quite sad as I'm sure they need support if anything right now.
  5. In terms of the wider picture it's easy to be pious and moralise when it's not your club and we're seeing a lot of it mixed in with "I don't like Newcastle anyway" comments. That can be easily ignored. As @Greg told multiple media outlets the other day, football fans don't get to choose the club owners and we shouldn't be feeling guilty about it. Personally I have the mental capacity to separate the football club from the other activities of its owners. I.e. whether the Saudis own 80% of NUFC or not has no bearing on whether it will or won't commit atrocities elsewhere. We all compartmentalise issues like this to a degree, otherwise we would be doing prayers of repentment every time we fill the car up with petrol. That said, it's disheartening to see NUFCs name being used on twitter (I know, I know) to promote KSA both by what are clearly bots and more dishearteningly by fans who can't see past a basic "Saudis = friends, Richard Masters = enemy" line of thinking. Same goes for the saudi flags/fake sheikh outfits outside SJP the other night. Although I'm sure most of these were doing it with the intent of a bit of a harmless laugh it's not a good look (not sure the Saudis would be too keen either) and it needs to be discouraged. I'm not sure how, but the way to discourage it is not by calling people cunts and telling them they should be ashamed because that will just lead to them doubling down in defiance. My brother-in-law laid into me on facebook the other night because I was celebrating the end of Ashley. Couldn't let it pass without comment that I was prepared to overlook thousands of deaths etc. When my wife got back in (she'd been out with him in the pub) she laid into me as well for supporting the takeover by new owners who are morally worse than Ashley. That got my back up because the fucking pair of them grew up in a family where the breadwinner was in the RAF and then worked for BAE. I'm not sure what they thought he was teaching the Saudis to do with their warplanes when he went over to train them but I'm pretty sure it wasn't dusting crops. Anyway, long story short she's now very upset and it's all my fault obviously. But we were sat there in the living room having this conversation with SSN showing the scenes from SJP and I was just thinking bluntly "I prefer that party to your viewpoint." For someone who isn't as uneasy with the Saudis as me who will doubtlessly read countless column inches over the next few weks calling us cunts for celebrating outside SJP it's a no-brainer, it's going to push them further towards the Saudis and if anything enable the sportswashing. Final point, and this is an honest question, if it doesn't go the way of a Man City style takeover, if the Saudis stay out of the spotlight, improvement is gradual and we're in the position of say an Everton in five years time. Does it still count as sportswashing?
  6. I agree with this. Honestly don't think we have "got our club back" at all- it's still owned by rich people who can do what the fuck they want with it. Nothing particularly unusual with that in the PL at all of course, just think football doesn't belong to fans anymore. Hopefully that feeling will change if they start to engage with fans properly / put a fan representative on the board.
  7. Man Utd away last month and Spurs at home next week. Yes, I know, I'm sub-human scum.
  8. Thought they'd be loving this tbf. We are possibly the most hated team in England now. Which is what they've obsessed over and all they've ever wanted for as long as I can remember.
  9. Thank you. Funnily enough we bumped into some Man City fans on the train back from spurs two years ago and they said something pretty similar, eg if it ever happened to us they would be happy for us. Re: the last sentence we still won't win anything, we're Newcastle United
  10. You gonna change your username to chicans once it's announced?
  11. "You'd think they'd acquire a little bit of humility though." That famous self-awareness shining through again.
  12. This ref is just guessing now. Also clearly desperate to avoid showing a red card.
  13. Of course Craig Pawson has a look at that. The mans last wish will be for a soft penalty to be awarded against us at his funeral.
  14. Watford are a right bunch of dirty bastards
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