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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/this-lad-is-worthy-of-a-good-reception.1462369/ Fuck me, they're absolutely riled about a reserve player saying that he's looking forward to playing against them. They've gone soft man- just think about all the daft shite Steven Taylor used to spout and they didn't get as wound up as that.
  2. Massive games for these tonight and Tuesday. Win and everything is sewper dewper again, for a while at least, but anything less than 6 points and they're looking more likely to end up in the playoffs than the top 2.
  3. We made a sub in time-on, which is an automatic 30 second addition. You could see the ref look at his watch in the 94th minute (the commentators mentioned it) and think "one more phase" - perhaps that decision is questionable but the refs union would agree 100% with that decision. The goal went in at 94.37 didn't it? 7 seconds "over". Whether it's a foul or not, whether Almiron was fouled or not, whether Moutinho should have been on the pitch - these are all different questions. But I don't think we can quibble with the time-on. No idea how the rules work but our sub took more than 30 seconds, not sure if that can be factored into it I'm 99% sure that the rules are that the ref is supposed to add on the amount of time the sub takes. The 30 seconds thing is more a rule of thumb, or general guidance in applying the law. I'd also add that the 4 minutes displayed is the minimum time to be added on. Ie, even before the sub it could have been 4:30 to play. (Where last night's ref found that injury time is a different question altogether mind.) I'm more annoyed about the foul on the keeper last night-as soon as the arms go around the neck it has to be a foul no matter how soft the contact.
  4. Marra-ners park in south shields, shirley?
  5. Unfortunately the way journalism works now means the more interest (replies, retweets, likes etc) his punditry generates both for him personally or in @btsport the more in demand his "services" are. Whether he is offering any actual insight or whether his comments are even factually correct are lesser considerations. Expect Rio to be announced on a lucrative talksport contract any time soon.
  6. I don't so much mind them being given airtime when they're challenged like tonight. 9 times out of 10 they'll make themselves look foolish like rio tonight. It's a world away from sky where they have wise on for the benefit of his superior knowledge or something, listen to him praise Ashley and then conclude with something along the lines of "there you have it folks, straight from the mouth of football expert Dennis Wise." No critical analysis, no challenging his opinion or anything.
  7. I can put up with them being thick, but Rio was going over and above on behalf of Ashley, peddling lies on his behalf was in poor taste and he hit rock bottom frankly. Yep. Making himself look stupid time and time again. I think Humphrey was actually embarrassed for him. The bit where he introduced the analogy about spending money on a house you plan to sell and was challenged on it then just came out with "yeah, but that would cost you a couple of grand not £60m" as if it was a stupid analogy when it was him who had said it. You can see Humphrey just thinking "fuck me, how thick is this cunt" and resisting the urge to facepalm.
  8. They all back each other up, thick as shit ex-pros especially when someone with more intelligence shows one up, they don't like that because it threatens all their cushy little punditry gigs. It's where the whole "you've never played professionally so your opinion doesn't count" BS came from.
  9. Watched the last few episodes over this weekend. Coleman's response was a bit odd too- "I've got a wife and 6 kids- and you're calling me a prick?!?" Maybe in Wales they judge whether someone is a prick or not on a sliding scale by how many children they have?!?
  10. Everything they say and do always comes back to us man, you should know that by now. Couple on my facebook posted about the boxing day attendance and ended with "ftm." It was nowt to do with us, we weren't playing them, we were hundreds of miles away (playing in front of a bigger crowd fwiw) but aye, ftm, that showed us!!
  11. Definitely for the best on this occasion. Sets a worrying precedent if we ever draw them away in the FA Cup though when we should be getting 15%. Do they just get to say "sorry, we can't accommodate that amount safely due to the design of our stadium and the police agree. You can have 2,800 and we'll sell the rest to home fans"?? Seems a bit unfair.
  12. I understand why people are going to take the piss but do you not think it's gonna look embarrassing when a bunch of knackers turn up and start smashing up seats at what essentially is a kids match for us?
  13. Needs not blowing out of all proportion this like. It's a shit song sang on Wednesday by a minority of fans present. Those singing it are clearly ignorant of Newcastles own problems and aren't bright enough to think up anything new, creative or amusing. Fwiw "your support is fucking shit" and "is this a library" both also got an outing and both can also be filed as above. It's rank bad crack but nobody has gone around mocking Hillsborough or chanting racist abuse or owt. If anything the "neeone tells me not to carry on like an utter bellend at the match" brigade will be loving all the attention they're getting from it.
  14. I also think that the clubs should be able to send observers to the disciplinary proceedings. Good idea this like. Just no transparency or accountability to the process at all.
  15. I mean is that not the same as yesterday? Could pretty much change the names from dann and niasse to dummett and salah.
  16. Maybe the threshold is something to do with one of the league's ("brand's") best players being available for an upcoming top of the table clash which is being broadcast live by the league's biggest financial benefactor?
  17. This is a very good point. There are situations where it is agreed that the incident isn't necessarily a dive or a foul so can the opposite not also be true? Fwiw, I think yesterday's incident fits this- putting my tin hat on because I'll get pelters, Dummett reached out on purpose and grabbed Salah by the shoulder and gives him a tug-albeit a slight one- back. Anywhere else on the pitch it's a clear foul and it was a daft thing to do in the box. However that in no way justifies Salahs reaction which was as clear an attempt to exaggerate the effect of contact- which I believe is one of the FAs definitions of simulation?-as you'll ever see. In fact the reaction was so over the top I'd say it comes close to bringing the game into disrepute. I don't see why it can't be a penalty but still a punishment for simulation and I'm sure there are other instances most weeks which would fit this description as well.
  18. Pretty sure that goal line technology would show that’s further over the line than the one that was a gnat’s pube over against us earlier this season. I know it's division 3 but I'm quite surprised the EFL doesn't have the money to kit out all grounds with goal line technology. It's a professional league and can't cost that much, surely? £250,000 per stadium IIRC Fuck me, how much. I'm in the wrong business!! Not at all surprised now like.
  19. Although pre-rebrand, we got 48,000 at home to Bournemouth in the Third Division (in about 1972). Just had a similar discussion with my father in law. Ended up with him saying "but that was division three, not league one." It was rebranded to league 1 about 10 years ago. They're wanking themselves silly over having a record attendance for a league that has only "existed" (in that name) for 10 years.
  20. Pretty sure that goal line technology would show that’s further over the line than the one that was a gnat’s pube over against us earlier this season. I know it's division 3 but I'm quite surprised the EFL doesn't have the money to kit out all grounds with goal line technology. It's a professional league and can't cost that much, surely?
  21. I only heard feed the scousers once tbf, just after the third went in. Some knobs near me tried to get sign on going at the beginning when they all got their scarves our for YNWA but it didn't really take off. Was better than I expected on that front.
  22. Mike Dean has a face you could never tire of slamming a car door on while holding it in the way. And that's before he even picked up a whistle for the first time.
  23. Not at SJP I don't think, but loads of times at away games. If the pair of you have never heard it at SJP you must be very young. It was the norm believe me Can fully imagine it being an absolute cesspit in the '80s like. I'm a scumbag '92er so I've never heard it. "He's black, he's broon, he plays for the Toon, Franz Carr, Franz Carr!" used to get the occasional airing in the 91/92 season. Heard a couple years ago that in the 90s some of the older members of our support used to refer to Andy Cole by the affectionate nickname "Blackie Milburn." Never heard it at the time myself like.
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