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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Watford are a right bunch of dirty bastards
  2. Bruce out chants continuing at 1-0. Good to hear.
  3. Jesus. They're going to make an industry out of this aren't they.
  4. If this is true (and that is a matter of opinion) then the vast majority of supporters either haven't thought it through properly or just can't be arsed to do anything about it. The Trust's long term aims will ultimately be determined by what its members want in the long term, not what the current board have planned. If there's a vast majority that have a vision of a better purpose for the Trust then they could quite feasibly take over and shape it in that vision. A small minority even could have done it this time- less than even 2,000 fans voting for the same 6 candidates would have got all 6 seats on the board. Elections are annual- repeat the process and could have a majority of the board in just over a year. That would completely change the nature of the organisation to be whatever they want it to be.
  5. I honestly wonder why he bothers. Doesn't look like he enjoys it, it's at least a 6 day a week job being a manager, shitloads of travelling, it must be stressful (especially at Ashley's NUFC where he's often the only public face of the club) and if he doesn't think most fans think he's a cunt then he's about to find out now they're allowed back in. And this is a man who is already rich enough that he could fuck off tomorrow and would never need to work again in his life. It's not like a Charnley situation who is clinging onto a job that will set his family up for life. I honestly don't understand what Btuce gets from it or why he wants to carry on.
  6. Not sure that's right mind- the FSA especially aren't going to pull their affiliation for peacefully protesting against anyone. And if they did, it wouldn't be an affiliation worth having to begin with.
  7. I'm a little conflicted with it. I do think they should have helped to promote this protest more. And that statement from last night is clearly a shambles and would have been better left untweeted. But at the same time I don't really want the trust being a protest group, or at least not with the current board anyway because it's not their strong suit. I think there are other groups within the fanbase better suited to getting everyone radged up and motivated to protest. What the trust did well was sending the legal analysis last year and getting Masters on the record confirming the importance of, and his agreement to, transparency. Which the lawyers are hopefully using to hold his feet to the fire in this CAT jurisdiction hearing coming up. And in my opinion (they would probably tell me to fuck off) that's what they're good at, the serious/boring stuff. The fanbase as a whole is, if we're honest, going to have a minimal impact on whether this happens or not, but lets make it an effort from the whole fanbase and not just bitching at the trust about everything. I know it's an emotional topic with the takeover on and that but I do think the stroppiness about the pledge scheme here and elsewhere is unfair misplaced. The whole point of a supporters trust is to attempt to gain a measure of influence in the club on behalf of the fanbase. In this country the most realistic way that is going to happen is by getting funds together to buy a small (or if the shit hits the fan big) stake in the club. I'm sure that Alex said he was elected on the basis that he was going to do that, so it's absolutely the right thing for them to be doing regardless of what they have or haven't done re the takeover. As you say, the trust needs to listen to its members. They've got elections on now for an expanded board and if "pro-protest" candidates stand and get elected then they will probably change direction again. Which will be the right thing for them to do. Tl;dr- the Trust fucked up on this occasion, but the criticism is over the top and not constructive in nature. And having pissed off both those criticising and defending the trust I now await the shitstorm that is coming my way
  8. This is the logical conclusion isn't it- if you touch the player at any point during a tackle it's a foul. I don't understand why so many people are so keen to turn football into a non-contact sport. Also, if the rule is "every contact is a foul" then why wouldn't it be a foul against Vardy? He's not in control of the ball at any point and has arrived at the point of contact after it has been cleared away. Does he not also have a responsibility to avoid contact with the defender? I'm not trying to be facetious, I'm just lost with the whole thing.
  9. Knew Chelsea and Man City would be the first to fold- a vanity project kind of loses its vanity if everyone thinks you're a cunt
  10. Went for no even though I believe the takeover is still alive but don't believe it'll happen. The reason is curiosity to see what happens with this arbitration. I don't thibk the club will ultimately win, but would like to see it pushed all the way so there's no wondering "what if" for the rest of my life. Relegation now would allow any of the Saudis, Staveley, the PL to pull out without losing face and also allow the bullshit merchants on Twitter to claim credibility for their bullshit. If we stay up then there is no "easy out" and it's got to come to a head one way or another. And if it doesn't go through then all the grifters and whoppers look as daft as they are. I'd also add that I think the club is in such a state now that relegation would absolutely fuck it up and it would take a long time to come back, even if Ashley does eventually leave. Tron also makes a good point about the spectre of playing sunderland with the bacon nonce still in charge next season. That said, if we do go down, we all know the club has had it coming and it will be deserved. Ashley and Charnley wanted Rafa out because they didn't like him meddling, they got to run the club the way they wanted and they've fucked it up again. So I don't think it will piss me off as much as the last two did.
  11. This is a key, key point. If that had been a typical Allardyce side full of fight and causing us problems by playing the game their way, not letting us settle on the ball etc then you know what? I would see the logic in saying it's a point gained, given our own injuries and somewhat fragile confidence. But it wasn't- they were gash, much worse than I thought they would be, absolutely they were there for the taking. It's beyond pathetic, cowardly actually, that we didn't have a decent stab at winning that.
  12. 9 I'd be quite amazed if we finish above Fulham, Brighton and Burnley. Massive game Saturday now.
  13. Really hope you're just bluewashing here to see which twitter numpties copy and paste. At least it's not Hendrick I suppose.
  14. Thought the same- anywhere on the pitch an outfield player goes in with his leg a foot off the ground like that it's a foul and red card these days. Squeaky bum time now. I prefer our remaining fixtures to theirs, but they just look a more coherent team than us, and our injury list worries me. Need to look past tomorrow and target the Wolves/West Brom games. Should be looking for 4 points from them.
  15. There's always going to be some subjectivity on decisions on a football pitch, and there's nothing to say that the opinion of a panel meeting a few days afterwards is necesarily going to be more valid than that of a PL official. But there needs to be a tipping point where a referee is told to sit out a couple of weeks, and doing it when you've had a decision or multiple decisions overturned seems as reasonable as any. I mean fuck me, those two red card decisions were so bad, the Bednarek one in particular, that it seems common sense that you'd pull him out of this week's action. Not to condone the idiotic behaviour, but I'm genuinely surprised that this is the first time Dean has received any threats. Not because he's any worse than other referees, but because he conducts himself like a complete wanker.
  16. Not a lot on southamptons bench but their starting line-up should be strong enough to beat us.
  17. These will properly hump us. And unlike most teams we've played this season there will be no taking the foot off the pedal at 2-0- they will go for the jugular after what's happened tonight.
  18. Those who seem supremely confident we'll win tonight might be interested to know we're outsiders with the bookies (15/8 at Skybet.)
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