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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Doesn't Ashley have form for this sort of bullshit? Sure I read once that he bought goods on credit, waited until the seller sokd them in good faith and had paid for them to be shipped, then he locked his warehouse doors and decided to "renegotiate" the price?? You'd hope the buyers' lawyers would have made sure the paperwork was watertight this time given it's an expensive transaction and the nature of who they're dealing with. Even if not, worst case scenario he gets an extra 10mill of oil money to spunk away down Lambeezeys casino, wouldn't worry about it.
  2. He's moved on from the child-murderer rubbish to be fair, which has to be seen as an improvement at least. Think there's an element of bravado or attention seeking about it on his part. I mean given his position it should be easy enough for him to retain the moral high ground but he seems determined to throw it away. Fwiw he does of course have some valid points but he's made them last week. But there are also some significant merits to the takeover for the club and city and by refusing to acknowledge these points or that people coming at it from a different perspective may take a different opinion which is also valid he's just coming across as a stroppy twat.
  3. I never said you had used it. You wet yourself whenever anyone says they find it embarrassing though. Shouting about how p*ssed you're going to get is just not something I've ever found particularly funny. Your mileage may vary. Who gives a f*** what you think is funny? You sound like a right boring b******, going around tutting at people and telling people what they should and shouldn't think. If people want to say #cans, let them. For absolutely no reason whatsoever I just imagined Mohammad bin Salman saying this to someone... "You sound like a right boring b******, going around tutting at people and telling people who they should and shouldn't behead. If people want to behead others, let them." :lol:
  4. This right here is why we need to keep our feet firmly on the ground if this goes through. I well remember the feeling of gleeful optimism I had back in 2007.... Remember saying similar to others at the time but being told constantly that we had one of the best owners in the league. You know what made him better than other billionaire owners? He was a BRITISH billionaire you see, not one of those horrible forrin types. Amazing to think only 13 years ago that was standard crack from fans and iirc some newspaper columnists.
  5. All this beer nonsense. You get all these beer people don't you? Beer this, beer that. Sometimes you just want to say, sod all this beer, just give me a post of, takeover talk.
  6. As should Coppers of Gosforth. Usually use Rehills as it's about a 45 second walk for me.......dangerously close. Coppers is at the bottom of my street, literally. Definitely ('hic') dangerous . . but seemingly I like danger !!! It's at the top of my mam and dads street- always nip in for a pint when I'm back up and usually end up spending about £30 on cans to take home. Drew the owner is a cracking lad as well.
  7. Oh come on. I mean yes, I'd accept it. I'd accept being kicked in the balls to get rid of Ashley too, but it'd be f***ing horrific watching Bruce being given an army of superstars and grinding out a 9th place finish whilst the media crow over how he's turned the club around. Just f*** no. Get rid of him on day 1. End of season at the very latest if they want to just get over the line and get someone new in the summer, but he should be sacked as soon as humanly possible and someone less resembling a human cabbage placed in charge instead, because anything else will be utterly galling. Why buy a Ferrari just to put a three-legged post-roadkill stoat at the wheel? Not saying it's my first choice scenario clearly but yeah, I could probably take it on the chin and in good humour for a year or so knowing that the long game is going to play out so much better. I'd probably take some smug satisfaction as well from the reaction of his mates in the media as he utterly fails and they realise appointing a stottie cake on legs as manager instead of someone that knows what they're doing is in reality a s*** idea. To take the analogy further it would be a bit like watching a three-legged dead stoat driving your ferrari and crashing it into a lamppost in the smug knowledge it doesn't matter because you can afford to replace it with a hangar full of ferraris, aston martins, lamborghinis and porsches. It's frustrating in the short term but a bit funny and in the end there are no real long term consequences. And if he somehow manages to succeed?? f*** me, look at us, we've got a dead stoat that can drive cars. Towards the end of writing that I had a flashback to our fans singing "steve bruce is one of our own" and "steve bruce gets 3 points everywhere he goes." On reflection I've reconsidered and nothing other than a public booting out on day 1 shackled to the rock of shame will do
  8. Oh come on. I mean yes, I'd accept it. I'd accept being kicked in the balls to get rid of Ashley too, but it'd be f***ing horrific watching Bruce being given an army of superstars and grinding out a 9th place finish whilst the media crow over how he's turned the club around. Just f*** no. Get rid of him on day 1. End of season at the very latest if they want to just get over the line and get someone new in the summer, but he should be sacked as soon as humanly possible and someone less resembling a human cabbage placed in charge instead, because anything else will be utterly galling. Why buy a Ferrari just to put a three-legged post-roadkill stoat at the wheel? Not saying it's my first choice scenario clearly but yeah, I could probably take it on the chin and in good humour for a year or so knowing that the long game is going to play out so much better. I'd probably take some smug satisfaction as well from the reaction of his mates in the media as he utterly fails and they realise appointing a stottie cake on legs as manager instead of someone that knows what they're doing is in reality a shit idea. To take the analogy further it would be a bit like watching a three-legged dead stoat driving your ferrari and crashing it into a lamppost in the smug knowledge it doesn't matter because you can afford to replace it with a hangar full of ferraris, aston martins, lamborghinis and porsches. It's frustrating in the short term but a bit funny and in the end there are no real long term consequences. And if he somehow manages to succeed?? Fuck me, look at us, we've got a dead stoat that can drive cars.
  9. Big steaming pile of dog shit. Close capsule, throw away key, lock thread
  10. Abso-fucking-lutely. At this point I'd even accept Bruce being kept on and given a "proper chance" until the owners realise he's shit, if that's what they decide they want to do. Getting rid of Ashley is all that matters in the immediate short term for me.
  11. Got a right mixed bunch in at the minute. 4 Hazy Jane, 4 Duopolis, 4 High Wire, 4 Jaipur, 4 Stella pint size, 4 Kronenbourg pint size, got some Dark Fruits in and a random can of Despies somewhere. Spirits wise got a couple of gins in and some grey goose which is canny with tonic or red bull for the energy boost. Nightcap will be whisky, got a Highland Park Viking honour in which is reasonable and a Bowmore (either 12 or no1, not sure which one) which is my usual go-to distillery. My wife can look after the kids that night. People like you make me feel like I've I've got issues. I cannot store any alcohol, back and forward to the fridge/cupboard until its gone. Tbf I don't normally have so many cans in. Combination of feeling I should buy some every time I've been in a shop in last month with only going infrequently and not getting to drink them with having a newborn and toddler to look after, just want to sleep as a priority when I get any kind of downtime. I do tend to keep a decently stocked spirit cupboard mind.
  12. If this takeover directly results in Keys losing his job. Think I'd laugh until my cock fell off
  13. Got a right mixed bunch in at the minute. 4 Hazy Jane, 4 Duopolis, 4 High Wire, 4 Jaipur, 4 Stella pint size, 4 Kronenbourg pint size, got some Dark Fruits in and a random can of Despies somewhere. Spirits wise got a couple of gins in and some grey goose which is canny with tonic or red bull for the energy boost. Nightcap will be whisky, got a Highland Park Viking honour in which is reasonable and a Bowmore (either 12 or no1, not sure which one) which is my usual go-to distillery. My wife can look after the kids that night.
  14. No chance- they're tainted by their association with BeiN. The Saudis might be able to tolerate all manner of cunts and human rights abuses but they draw the line at friends of the Qataris.
  15. I think sunderland fans have spent all of my lifetime claiming the moral high ground en masse at any given opportunity and for any reason no matter how spurious. Nailed on if it goes through they will all be singing from the same hymnsheet re human rights abuses. It will be to 2020 what "but what about Bolton/Bury" was to 2019' Indifference or mild amusement are the correct responses
  16. Is it just me that thinks Jack Baldwin's wife comes across like a bit of a dickhead whinging on about money and that? I het the insecurity angle, but even at an average L1 wage (and I'd bet sunlun pay above the average) he'd be on over £100k a year before tax yet, she's bleating on about "wanting the life" of a premier league WAG. You're not that hard done to pet. Can see exactly why you married a professional footballer and all ?
  17. Alex Scott is refreshing as a pundit because she has a genuine knowledge and enthusiasm for the game that shines through when she talks about it. She isn't just talking because she loves the sound of her own voice. She hasn't got a fucking clue what should or shouldn't be given as a foul mind but that's not because she's a lass, it's because she spent her career at Arsenal. Never heard Doris Burke commentate but her name sounds like she should be a character in the Viz.
  18. Of course it was. All football clubs report tickets "sold" rather than the number of people actually there. It's the way it is done for some reason. Think it's a PL (and EFL) rule that the published attendance has to be the number of tickets sold/distributed. Enhances the interest surrounding the brand of the bestest superest league in the world ever. Fwiw in theory the "real" attendance is also recorded and provided to the police, safety advisory group etc.
  19. Was a belter that one. Ryan Taylor dipping shot vs Everton also massively underrated and 2 goals I'm surprised haven't been mentioned more are his free kick vs the mackems and Perez lobbing Schmeicel from 30 yards out. Cisse 2nd goal at Chelsea for me as a standalone piece of skill. In terms of the best goal in the wider context of the game/season/club I have particularly fond memories of: Carroll winner at Arsenal Nolan Hat trick goal vs mackems Tiote Ben Arfas debut goal, topped a brilliant performance and the excitement of a potentially exciting Newcastle career. Cabaye winner at Old Trafford Gayle (Barnsley (h)) for the celebration after news of Brighton conceding came in 20 seconds later Rondon (Fulham) rounding off a near perfect awayday and enjoyable few months with pretty much the last kick of the season. At the time I was also 50/50 on whether Rafa and Rondon would stay and this was the start of something beautiful or whether they were off and it was a fond farewell but either way I made sure at the time to savour the moment.
  20. It isn’t like. Time and preferences change Tbh I'd prefer they were all played on the Saturday, but given that it's not (and it's unlikely to change based on my personal preference) I'd still have watched that program Wullie mentioned. Suppose it shows how little I watch the beeb for anything these days that I was completely unaware of its existence until I read his post.
  21. Didn't know about that, I'd have definitely watched if I'd known it was on.
  22. Is there any reason why there were so many non-televised FA Cup games played on Sunday this weekend? There were like 9 or something all kicking off at 2pm today. Only thing I can think of is if teams were playing on Wednesday but they do that all the time then play Saturday don't they?
  23. Went to Poland-Ukraine in Marseille in 2016, Ukraine fans were really good crack, as were the Poles. I reckon you'll have a mint time.
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