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Everything posted by NUFC

  1. Did I leave the left-over turkey out, or did I put it in the fridge? Must phone home and check I think my leftover turkey could get a game for us. Could probably defend better than all of our back 5 tbf
  2. Needs to make better decisions and pass more if there are other options but that will come with age/experience, been much better signing than everyone expected him to be
  3. Newcastle to Hull to Nice This is the start of him disappearing into obscurity
  4. Can't believe Ben Arfa only has 13 goals in 76 league games, for an attacking midfielder its hardly amazing tbh Shame Ben Arfa doesn't have the drive and determination to improve throughout his career when you look at other players around his age and where he could have been
  5. Will this be a repeat where Chelsea use all 3 subs then their keeper gets injured?
  6. Should be docked a weeks wages for being an absolute pillock
  7. Macdonalds is 24 hours these days
  8. Either Janmaat was injured or he was trying to do his best John Wayne impression
  9. Sammy, Dummett & Williamson will be nothing more than Championship standard IMO Sammy can run but his end product is poor and he never seems to know what to do with the ball Dummett is a poor left back and slightly better at CB Williamson can do the basic old fashioned centre half head and hoof We need better fringe players than these 3
  10. Ayoze seems really greedy sometimes, shoots when he should of squared it
  11. Williamson & Dummett just standing there like statues, bloody rubbish the pair of them
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