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baby got back

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Everything posted by baby got back

  1. New page ffs, shoulda stayed lurking.
  2. The club would not have had access to the evidence, until it started being broadcast over the internet at start of the trial. From the CPS The presumption of innocence and the rights of the accused Suspects who are prosecuted are entitled to have their guilt or innocence established with all the safeguards of a criminal trial, including the rules of evidence. Those who are not prosecuted, or who are acquitted, are entitled to the presumption of innocence. The presumption of innocence can only be undermined if the CPS or police were to release evidence enabling individuals to trawl through it to determine why the person was suspected in the first place. This is an important constitutional principle closely linked with the Service's independence of decision making.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/fwzWh88.jpg
  4. http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/d4/ef/fa/d4effab8c9658a1292118395dbcd0715.jpg
  5. In need of a through gritted teeth smiley. Fair play though, did it the stupidly hard way. This has cost me a few barrels of homebrew too
  6. At the risk of sounding like the worlds worst internetter, I didn't even know there were other sections to this site. My browser (chrome) has a little black and white picture that automatically brings me to the football section. The new section is great, my internet skills not so.
  7. The players won't be able to see each other in a grey strip iirc.
  8. The smarmy look has gone, I reckon he looks like a man who knows his time is up.
  9. Spare magnolia banner looked awesome, the use of contrast did it for me.
  10. Sol Campbell is qualified to manage at League 1/2 level. It does surprise me that he hasn't got a job if that is his intention.
  11. Drunkenly voted win last night. Don't know how to undo it
  12. The one side that could really do with sacking off the cups IMO.
  13. Got to be worth a few million that kid.
  14. Much easier to police + safer for their own fans = massive conspiracy. The bit that I'm happiest about is that it will make it fairly pointless for the non attending street urchins to congregate, making us all look bad. The distance travelled in the convoy makes it way too easy for bother to break out and very difficult to police.
  15. Dropped off at the stadium or running the gauntlet from Central, I know which one sounds better to me. Arguing against something been done for your own and the general public's safety is mental.
  16. SSN: Cardiff have spoken to at least 4 people about replacing Mackay. Mental
  17. The global reach of the premier league makes this type of advertising great for sports direct. In the UK market it makes no difference as dominance is already achieved. In foreign markets it will be a huge help in gaining brand recognition and expanding. The other thing is the foreign viewers will only see the advert and wouldn't necessarily know about the negative view domestically. How many millions is this actually worth?
  18. Steam in and get an early goal. Watch their heads go. Will be like rabbits in a headlamp. Cricket score.
  19. What time is kick off in GMT? Got a teething baba and late night footy might be a plan.
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