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Claudia Winkleman
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Everything posted by Cf

  1. I mean perhaps they could put coming off the goal as an exception to the rule as I don't see what possible advantage there is to be gained from it but yeah you can't pass a free kick to yourself. Horribly unlucky like. Ref should have blowed for it straight away to prevent the rest of the play.
  2. Cf

    Andy Cole

    Useless fucker never scored against Sunderland or got an England cap. I look forward to finding out what else he hasn't done.
  3. Amazing Way to make complete fools of yourselves.
  4. Was a tale of two goalkeepers for me last night. Theirs pulled off a top save to prevent our second from Bruno. Our reserve goalkeeper did that thing where he makes himself smaller diving for the ball. Swap the GKs and the result could easily have been the other way around.
  5. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    We need to be looking forwards not backwards.
  6. I'm sorry but how is that not a red? Stamped on a player who was in the ground.
  7. Just swap 5 players out at this point surely? Game is done.
  8. Part of me wondered if he'd sacrifice the Milan game. We're dependant on PSG anyway. Booby prize tournament would add even more congestion. In some ways bottom of the group gives us a shot at the league in the second half of the season. He won't, and nor should he. But it's a conversation that might have happened.
  9. I file the first goal under savable but no great shame in not. That said I didn't like the way his dive for it seemingly made him smaller than if he'd have just stood there. Second goal whatever. Their player was basically in the position of taking a penalty. He could have waited but then probably can't get down in time. Third goal should be doing better. Worst thing he did in the game was that corner where he just fell over and left an open goal. Thought his distribution was an obvious step up over Pope but doesn't make up for the other defects. I worry if De Gea is a bit demoralising to Dubs and our other reserves but if they're not up to standard they shouldn't be getting game time anyway and I think it's time for Eddie to start getting ruthless.
  10. Cf

    Nick Pope

    Well I thought we'd be ok with Dubravka but he's hardly covered himself in glory tonight.
  11. If people think this is bad just wait for the games coming up. Not sure what we're supposed to do with the fixture congestion. Play the actual reserves in the cup perhaps?
  12. Feels like we need to and just take whatever happens really.
  13. Can't see him making it through our next games.
  14. Being near a player is apparently a foul now.
  15. This is the 4th game in 10 days for these players and they've all played the full 90 on each. Of course they're tired. And we've got 6 games in the next 19 days. We can't be too gung ho or we won't have a team to field before long.
  16. Commentators have been banging on about their innovative new graphic loads. Personally think the biggest innovation would be writing team names in full.
  17. Cf

    Sven Botman

    It's Botman's place in the team but I wouldn't be surprised if he's a sub for his first couple of games back just to help him build match fitness.
  18. Cf

    Nick Pope

    He's sorted it out lately but there was a period where I felt blind panic whenever Pope came off his line because he was continually getting it wrong.
  19. Based on this he's getting massively unlucky. https://understat.com/league/La_liga/2023 Unless there's some underlying reason for why they're underperforming.
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