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Claudia Winkleman
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Everything posted by Cf

  1. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    And the 0.8 for the dive penalty of course.
  2. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    The expected goals whilst bad isn't quite as bad as it looks. The penalty in the first half will have counted for like 1.5 because of the follow-up (obv you can't score more than once but xG strangely doesn't take this into account) and there was a bit where they had a flurry despite being offside and the flag not going up and us getting the ball at the end of it. It's still bad like, but not quite worst of all time bad.
  3. I mean if the officials are going to give penalties when players are cheating them and then VAR are just like sound nice dive enjoy your penalty then I don't see how they're supposed to be gaining any of this respect we're supposed to be showing them.
  4. I think this part of VAR needs changing the sticking to on field decisions thing. The bar they use is far too high.
  5. There's 19 games left. Maybe with 5 games to go you'd have a point but it's clearly fair to say that if they continue anywhere near their current rate they'll be comfortable as long as they don't get whacked with more points penalties.
  6. That's with -10 points applied. They'd be 10th without that. Just based on that and expected form you'd expect them to make up the places. Not saying it can't happen but it seems very unlikely.
  7. Think Everton will be comfortably mid table. Any talk of them going down is ridiculous imo. That ship has, unfortunately, sailed.
  8. Very harsh penalty that. One of those where do they just assume defenders shouldn't have arms?
  9. Agree with most of what you've been saying but not sure I do with this part. There'd have just been too many games for our squad without any additions. We wouldn't have been able to play our pressing game and the plan B everyone talks about wouldn't be all that hot either because our squad isn't technically good enough across the board. As with rating the window as a whole I think like everything else from the last month it has a big asterisk next to it that makes it really hard to judge. Potentially the lesson to take from it is to address the balance of immediate vs long term to focus slightly more on the immediate requirements next time around.
  10. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    Losing to Sunderland would be shit yes. But you don't fire your manager because of a single result.
  11. Cf

    Anthony Gordon

    He needs Barnes sharing some minutes with him.
  12. I don't think he was particularly at fault for any of the goals but then a first choice PL level goalkeeper possibly does something about one or two of them and he isn't that. Just yet another area where we've been shafted with injuries.
  13. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    There'll be a certain element of maybe more could have been done but they won't have factored in having an entire first team out injured and us not even being able to fill the bench.
  14. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    The mitigation for the lack of plan B is still injuries and the fixture congestion. There's been no time in the past month or so to train and coach around the injuries. The focus will have been on trying to just maintain some fitness in a decimated squad. We've had a game every 3 days for a month now. It's been bad for sure. But weeks ago to me it was obvious we were about to have a run like this. He doesn't have my unquestioning support but I think enough of this isn't on him that to focus too much on Eddie isn't fair or productive.
  15. At least 3 of them against Bruno as well. Last one was a snide one.
  16. How the fuck hasn't Gibbs white been booked.
  17. It's so infuriating. All the potential moves sniffed out the second it gets to him. Players must hate it.
  18. Can't decide if that was a good penalty or not
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