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Everything posted by magpie1892

  1. My understanding is that these shirts are being sold at cost price but regardless, some of our fans seem to be extraordinarily precious about people making profit from things. Presumably none of these people ever buy anything, ever, from anywhere - least of all one of Mike's season tickets. It took all of 20 seconds to find that they wouldnt be making a profit from them, never stops idiots insisting otherwise despite clearly having no clue at all. Others claiming the Sir Bobby logo should be on as if they would happily want to be seen going against the club like that I got extraordinary levels of abuse when I started selling a similar shirt several months ago - again at cost price. But the feedback I've had from people who've actually purchased from me (it's 95% word of mouth now) has been extraordinarily good. So the abuse started to 'bounce off' some time ago - it's actually the customers who count. Learned that from Mike Ashley, I did...
  2. It's the 'adidas stripe 15' - same shirt as in the eBay link a few posts up.
  3. What the f*** were you expecting like, a bespoke Nike top designed in house with their best team and an official sponsorship from Brown Ale again? Obviously not... But the way everyone is blowing their load over it, you would f***ing think we where blowing their load? people hoping to see a shirt that doesn't put money in ashley's pocket, doesn't advertise legal loan sharks and hopefully looks simple and smart...think that's about the height of anyone's hopes and dreams for it, certainly mine anyways Kind of see your point tbh. I mean, what are the alternatives? That horrendous effort that goes on Ebay with the 'Ashley F**k off' Wonga patch? ffs I'm reserving judgement until I see it, but it can't be more embarrassing than that tripe surely You mean this one? - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151730869137?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  4. Was superb for New Rangers in the majority of games he played. But he'd struggle at the top end of the Championship. Upper League One is more his level.
  5. It's almost like one has been there over ten years and is one of our greatest ever players while the other is someone we brought in to help them rehabilitate less than a year ago. Oh, different managers too. really? you've had a million world class players over the years, Rooney isn't even the best English striker this Century . tbf he's going to beat the goalscoring record for the club by some margin if that doesn't qualify him as one of their greatest ever players what does? Ally McCoist. Oh, and Kris Boyd is the all-time leading scorer in the SPL...
  6. Astonished we got him. Astonished. Sadly, I feel he's no more likely to see his contract out than Cabaye did/n't...
  7. PSV see him nearer the 25m euro mark. A call to their director of football would have helped clear this up. Charnley...?
  8. It's f***ing awful, even worse than the porn woman. Love their puerile little 'thanks for boosting our profile, making us £' 'comebacks' when someone calls them out.
  9. And when we don't get him, then this weapon will look like even more of a zoomer than he already does. Next, please. Wijnaldum is so far out of our league it's not even a consideration.
  10. I've seen him play about two dozen times, 2011-2013. I've interviewed him as well for a UK newspaper. Not a chance in hell we would get anywhere near him.
  11. Who the fuck is Pete Graves?
  12. Jesus, that's vile. Ours in grey is going to shift about 250 shirts.
  13. We play weakened teams in the FA Cup even when we're solidly midtable... Worked a treat in keeping us up this season with plenty to spare, didn't it?!
  14. Lazy cunt. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=brandy+brewer+xxx&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=EfOCVcWWIIGrUKeDgPgK
  15. Absolute bollocks. Her, er, 'sports network' seems to be a model agency at best, an escort site at worst: https://www.facebook.com/Edssportsofficial I'm still sceptical but she's been spot on with quite a few things She may well have shagged her way to a few decent contacts. Good luck to her. More than a little sceptical about her ambition to be a presenter for Sky Sports - first up her showreel (that accent!) is appalling, but she's also got a couple of videos up on Pornhub..!
  16. Absolute bollocks. Her, er, 'sports network' seems to be a model agency at best, an escort site at worst: https://www.facebook.com/Edssportsofficial
  17. Totally. We need to spend c.£100m and need seven proven players. That would be doable with the Sky money, prize money, £30m in the bank, transfer surplus, etc. but someone carlessly left the cash lying about and it just disappeared. So that won't be happening either. Almost resigned now to us scraping around - yet again - in the bargain bucket in the final week of the window, and unearthing more gems like Riviere.
  18. People expecting us to spend much more than that will be in for disappointment. Not really, they spent more than that last year. Net profit last year. Didn't spend a penny. the original comment was if we spend 15mil on Austin we'll only have 10million left. that's what I was disagreeing with. Just don't see how our 'warchest' can be £25m. If that's true, we're Championship bound. We need 10 players FFS.
  19. People expecting us to spend much more than that will be in for disappointment. Not really, they spent more than that last year. Net profit last year. Didn't spend a penny.
  20. So did Guivarc'h, 17 years ago.
  21. Are you kidding? We've all seen how gash he is. Even at £1.8m we were sold an horrendous pup. He still scored 10 league goals. £1.8m are just bullshit. If you say so. So because a f***ing french journalist told you it was £1.8m, it must be? Seriously, why would they sell him for £1.8m after scoring 10 league goals? It's not like they need the money. Well, he's more reliable than NUFC, which appears to have been on a 'sponsored lie' for the last eight years. Not sure what has prompted the language ('f***ing french') on your part, but it doesn't abet your argument. Why would they sell him? Because he's gash and while they may not need the money, they could probably have done with freeing up a first-team spot for someone less gash. Not sure what your obsession with '10 league goals for Monaco' is, but it's safe to say that with one (fluked) league goal for NUFC in 23 appearances, he didn't bring his form with him. Further, to use your argument, if Monaco don't need the money - why would they sell him at all? You obviously know best, as I said.
  22. Are you kidding? We've all seen how gash he is. Even at £1.8m we were sold an horrendous pup. He still scored 10 league goals. £1.8m are just bullshit. If you say so.
  23. Are you kidding? We've all seen how gash he is. Even at £1.8m we were sold an horrendous pup.
  24. Riviere was £1.8m. The club did the usual trick of including his wages, etc. for the duration of his contract. Source: journalist at France Football.
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