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Everything posted by magpie1892

  1. I'm not aware that they've ever taken legal action against any newspaper? They've threatened to but have we seen them in court, and win? As for the Independent article, the newspaper says it 'understands', and carries no direct quotes. Also, as the games in question have yet to take place, how can we ascertain that the article has 'no substance. It's not actionable even if he lasts until 2018. They've banned papers for "false and misleading reports". It's as hypocrite you can get, but they've done it. Sure, ncj are still out and, I assume, the Express - but I'm unsure if they've taken legal action against anyone, ever, that's ended in court. I know that they've had plenty of stories spiked at ncj in the past by threatening to remove press access, then banned them anyway (primarily because ncj couldn't afford what Jabba was asking for in £ to keep their high level of access to players as well as games). Regardless, the club can't keep Pardew on for another two games and then turn around and sue The Independent. Yes, highly hypocritical. Wendy Talylor is a congenital liar. So bad, in fact, that she doesn't even know she's doing it. She's lied to my face on several occasions and then denied having done so when presented with the truth. Pardew's the same - I don't think he knows the difference between his silver-foxed reality and the actual truth.
  2. I'm not aware that they've ever taken legal action against any newspaper? They've threatened to but have we seen them in court, and win? As for the Independent article, the newspaper says it 'understands', and carries no direct quotes. Also, as the games in question have yet to take place, how can we ascertain that the article has 'no substance. It's not actionable even if he lasts until 2018.
  3. I'm going to the Hull game specifically to try and get others to abuse Pardew. I said I would never go back until he left but this is a one off as it's possible to speed up his leaving. Me too. First game since Cardiff. I think we'll get real poison on the back of defeat at St Mary's.
  4. I think it's unrealistic. He will continue to cream off tens of millions of what is basically free cash every season we're in the Prem. He will continue to have his shitty brands all over the place and pay nothing for the privilege using the £129m 'loan' he owes himself. He could have paid this off with two years' of TV money but he never will. For a look at Newcastle's immediate future, have a look at the current home and away shirts for this season. Poor quality and very thin materials, very basic in construction, the continuation of the insulting sponsor and, of course, the stick-on crest. Puma gives clients a list of variables for the construction of a shirt, and Jabba has picked the cheapest option in each case to maximise retail margin. He's going nowhere, and 17th is just fine for him. Fair point, think I'm just clutching at straws because supporting us at the minute just seems utterly pointless! Sadly, it is pointless. I racked in my season ticket in the summer as I couldn't take any more - like thousands of others, I'd actually begun to dread going because the football and atmosphere were so poor. The highlight for me last season was the Cardiff game and the vitriolic atmosphere. I bought a single ticket for the Hull game as I think we'll see a repeat of the Cardiff abuse, especially after Southampton hand us our arses a week Saturday.
  5. I think it's unrealistic. He will continue to cream off tens of millions of what is basically free cash every season we're in the Prem. He will continue to have his shitty brands all over the place and pay nothing for the privilege using the £129m 'loan' he owes himself. He could have paid this off with two years' of TV money but he never will. For a look at Newcastle's immediate future, have a look at the current home and away shirts for this season. Poor quality and very thin materials, very basic in construction, the continuation of the insulting sponsor and, of course, the stick-on crest. Puma gives clients a list of variables for the construction of a shirt, and Jabba has picked the cheapest option in each case to maximise retail margin. He's going nowhere, and 17th is just fine for him.
  6. GRRRRR!!!!! That man does my fukin nonce in so he does!!! The "pardew" way. Play for the nil-nil and hope for that 'one bit of quality' cos that's what's needed to unlock Crystal f**kin' palace's defence!! That one bit of quality. What a pathetic approach to life. I feel sorry for the wife. I doubt she's being satisfied. He's shagging everything else that moves...
  7. I've interviewed Frank De Boer a number of times and know him fairly well. He would (very reulctantly) leave Ajax to manage in the Prem if the right offer came along. He would definitely not work for Jabba, even if he was sacked by Ajax tomorrow.
  8. That has to be the world closest rivalry surely, it's insane, bet its annoying for the Scottish police, if they ever play at home on the same day They never will, for that very reason They have in the past, and every chance will do so again. Happened in the league cup a few years back.
  9. Dave Whelan (who you've correctly identified as another cunt) will lap it up - so what? Give me more (and more, and more) of Cardiff City's hatefest any day to even begin getting results.
  10. I've said before that all along we've missed to easiest most simple trick to get back at Ashley: advertise a rival company. Its what would hurt him the most (aside from not attending games). It would be so much more effective than "get out of our club". Even a poster saying s*** DIRECT is still focusing on HIS company and still, in effect, advertising his company. IMO we need to stay clear of SD and put all the focus on a rival company - and the most obvious one from where I can see is DW SPORTS (he seems to have shares in a lot of different sports company's like JD). Any banner about Pardew/Ashley? Simply have DW SPORTS in the corner. Any t-shirt about Pardew/Ashley? Again, simply have DW SPORTS in the corner. We need to beat him at his own game, he's using SJP for free advertising, we need to do the same for his rival. DW Sports is a rival to Sports Direct in the same way that Alan Pardew is a rival to Jose Mourinho. DW doesn't even have an online store FFS. http://www.dwsports.com "Your online DW Sports Store is coming soon... " If not them is there anyone else? Coming soon indeed. In the UK, sadly not. Fatty's cornered the market. This is why he's looking overseas now, but holding up adverts for InterSport (who are huge on the continent) will just confuse people. Straightforward abuse and walk-outs are probably the best bet for those people who must go. I racked it in last season as I'd had enough but if people still want to go then I have to respect that.
  11. I've said before that all along we've missed to easiest most simple trick to get back at Ashley: advertise a rival company. Its what would hurt him the most (aside from not attending games). It would be so much more effective than "get out of our club". Even a poster saying s*** DIRECT is still focusing on HIS company and still, in effect, advertising his company. IMO we need to stay clear of SD and put all the focus on a rival company - and the most obvious one from where I can see is DW SPORTS (he seems to have shares in a lot of different sports company's like JD). Any banner about Pardew/Ashley? Simply have DW SPORTS in the corner. Any t-shirt about Pardew/Ashley? Again, simply have DW SPORTS in the corner. We need to beat him at his own game, he's using SJP for free advertising, we need to do the same for his rival. DW Sports is a rival to Sports Direct in the same way that Alan Pardew is a rival to Jose Mourinho. DW doesn't even have an online store FFS.
  12. Wrong - Rangers worldwide profile is far higher than ours due to the massive Scottish diaspora around the world. They will also be far more profitable once they get regular CL football, something NUFC can only dream about. How the fuck are Rangers going to get 'regular Champions League football'? First, they need to get promoted - and they are currently on the brink of a second insolvency event which would cost them 25 points, min. Second, they need to win the league, and they are absolutely miles behind what is a bloody awful Celtic team Third, they need to get through three rounds of qualification - Celtic were put out 6-1 in the third round by a middling Legia Warsaw side before UEFA sleazed them back into the competition, and they promptly lost again against... Maribor. Dream on!
  13. I think either the fact that we get someone in who is utterly shit, or no-one at all is probably going to have be better long-term result for those of us that want a club to support again.
  14. Riviere puts me in mind of Cordone a little. i.e. utter gash and barely £500k-worth.
  15. I couldn't condone a cup win under Pardew. He'd be even more offensive than he is now, plus he'd take his place in club history. A nauseating thought.
  16. I had my first look at the new home and away shirts yesterday. I agree with your summation. The 0.1mm-thick stick-on crest is beyond embarrassing. Yeah, I expected an iron-on crest but at least I thought it would be made of some sort of fabric or stitching before it's stuck on. So rubbish, they really are taking the p*ss out of fans. I bought a long-sleeved basketball training shirt from Nike and the quality is absolutely flawless... £50. Thing is, we've now reached the bottom of every Puma 'options' list so I'd be astonished to see a proper crest during the remainder of the Puma association. As I've mentioned before, Puma are more than capable of producin decent shirts when the customers ask for the 'superior' options on crest, material, design, etc.
  17. But Charnley knows fuck-all about anything. You'd be very surprised to learn what his salary package is.
  18. I had my first look at the new home and away shirts yesterday. I agree with your summation. The 0.1mm-thick stick-on crest is beyond embarrassing.
  19. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xnewcastle+shirt+sticke&_nkw=newcastle+shirt+sticker&_sacat=0 Not in the same class as mine - £5.50 for something sticky made of paper!
  20. For those of you that expressed an interest: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151388003837?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 (mods - if this is against the rules then please accept my apologies if you have to remove)
  21. It's hard to keep up with the man's continual stream of cuntish contradictions. Whatever he says, just assume it's a lie - that's not an unfair defailt position, is it?
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