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Everything posted by samptime29

  1. Pub tonight. Shame the City game is on at the same time, but have to watch the Real/Spurs game.
  2. £2.50 treble on BTTS: Real/Spurs, City/Napoli, Feyenoord/Shakhtar to win £9.47.
  3. They've had a pretty tricky start to the season tbf. He doesn't inspire any confidence, but I thought they'd give him another 3 games to see how it went.
  4. Real Madrid v Spurs and Man City v Napoli on Tuesday Pub trip for that.
  5. samptime29

    Isaac Hayden

    Positive game for Hayden, really pure strike for the goal - he enjoyed that one.
  6. This line of argument really bugs me. Just because he hasn't juggled one into the net or airkicked on a backpass doesn't mean he's therefore immune from any other kind of critique. His kicking is s**** and he's very weak at dealing with low shots into the corner of the net; and that's regardless of how bad or good the defending leading up to chances is fwiw. He's solid enough and is "fine" for now as the best of the bunch we have, but we sorely need an upgrade at the next possible opportunity; Woodman, or a new guy. I'm not saying he's immune from criticism. But it's a fact, he's not made a howler and that is important. I've always said, we need to upgrade at the end of season. His kicking is a bit below average, but posters here go OTT on Elliot. Always snidey comments, calling him a fat fuck all the time. Don't get the hate at all.
  7. Been a really good watch this. Think this will end 3-2 to AC Milan here.
  8. Yeah absolutely the first goal here Clearly not a big f*** up. Whats a big keeper f*** up? kicking it into your own net? What's the parameters? I'd say a big f*** up is not saving an absolute 5/10 shot from miles out A shot, he perhaps could've done better with, isn't a big fuck up.
  9. Yeah absolutely the first goal here Clearly not a big fuck up.
  10. I'd like a better keeper but he's no way as bad as people on here make him out to be. Don't worry Wallsendmag, at least we know we're right
  11. He's not made any howlers this season. Darlow made fairly regluar big mistakes. 2-3 goals maybe could've done better on, but he's made at least 3-4 absolute class saves aswell. The board is too hyper critical on Elliot.
  12. Jesus Christ this state of the board at times man Has Elliot made a big fuck up this season? No. Some goals maybe he could have done better with but FFS, this position isn't a massive problem for us atm. Upgrade in the summer for sure, but people need to chill man, he's not that bad.
  13. Shame we couldn't see the game out, but still think a point is a decent result tbh.
  14. De Bruyne is absolute world class. So productive and busy all the time.
  15. I thought they'd concede goals, but I also thought they'd dig out some clean sheets, and win a few games 1-0. That looks impossible for them at the moment. In massive trouble
  16. Didn't realise that :lol: It's bad like.
  17. 1 win in 12, no clean sheets all season.
  18. Lovely finish, how will Barca react?
  19. Atletico's new stadium looks mint.
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