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Everything posted by samptime29

  1. Our home form has looked good so far. Another 3 points here would be great, surely Mitro has to come in? An early goal, could be key. We get that, I'd be confident. A draw not a disaster, important we try and keep the home losses to a minimum, just try to pick up points consistently.
  2. Even losing 1-0 now away to Bilbao, Ostersunds are top with 7 points from 4 games. Need 1 win from 2 games to defo quality. Nice position to be in. Doing great.
  3. Surely that guy said something pretty bad for Evra to do that? Unless Evra has just went absolute rogue for minimal reason
  4. No striker playing for Everton? WTF
  5. Would be a bit mad to take it, considering they could very easily swap divisions with them at the end of the season. Can imagine the mackems would probably quadruple his wages, at least. The might be in the s*** but they still have ample more than Shrewbury. It’s win-win for him, if he goes to the mackems and fails then he’ll get a handsome payoff and return to a League 1 or 2 job next season. If he is successful, it could be great for his career. Even keeping the mackems up at this stage would be a mini success. A massive risk for the mackems though, a huge gamble and they better hope it comes off. Paul Hurst wouldn't be the worst option. Doing a great job at Shrewsbury, got Grimsby promoted back to the league prior to that. He's young and hungry, and would be better than getting in Bally or SEWPA KEV in FFS Would it be a good choice for him though ? No money to build, a team already down among the dead. Wouldn't he be better off waiting for an opportunity at somewhere in a position better than there ? Fair point of course, a big risk for him.
  6. Would be a bit mad to take it, considering they could very easily swap divisions with them at the end of the season. Can imagine the mackems would probably quadruple his wages, at least. The might be in the s*** but they still have ample more than Shrewbury. It’s win-win for him, if he goes to the mackems and fails then he’ll get a handsome payoff and return to a League 1 or 2 job next season. If he is successful, it could be great for his career. Even keeping the mackems up at this stage would be a mini success. A massive risk for the mackems though, a huge gamble and they better hope it comes off. Paul Hurst wouldn't be the worst option. Doing a great job at Shrewsbury, got Grimsby promoted back to the league prior to that. He's young and hungry, and would be better than getting in Bally or SEWPA KEV in FFS
  7. No clean sheets ALL season, and 30 goals conceded is absolutely minging man.
  8. Had a £2 treble 5 fold BTTS to win £25. Just needed 1 chelsea goal
  9. 1 win in 15 games :lol: "Easy marra" "Pub league marra"
  10. Back from a lovely 5 pints at pub and heard the news. :lol:
  11. Wasn't at fault for the goal at all, and even if he'd been on the line I doubt he'd have saved it anyway. He was still awful all match though. Awful all match? Feels like I'm watching a different game sometimes Thought his kicking was cack and he's just not agile enough. Aye. Think he gets away with a lot of stick just because he doesn't make glaring clangers. He's s***. He would be shit if he was making dropping clangers all the time. The Elliot hate is bizarre. Our big problem is number 10 and our striker. Not the keeper.
  12. Wasn't at fault for the goal at all, and even if he'd been on the line I doubt he'd have saved it anyway. He was still awful all match though. Awful all match? Feels like I'm watching a different game sometimes
  13. We've defended well apart from the goal, but zero attacking threat. Don't get why Mitro isn't at least on bench.
  14. I think Rafa might play Diame instead of Perez. I'd like to see Mitro play instead of Joselu, but I don't see Rafa changing strikers.
  15. Hahahaha this is tremendous.
  16. Everton look wank tbh. 25/1 to relegated. Tempted by a sneaky £5 on that.
  17. ... http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,95030.msg6456359/topicseen.html#msg6456359 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,95030.msg6426472/topicseen.html#msg6426472
  18. It's crazy to think how quickly things have changed. Was so gutted when they beat Everton and relegated us. But now it's safe to say, we might not play again for a decade. Maybe more.
  19. 2 points from a possible 21 at home this season.
  20. 1 win in 14 games. Unreal. And glorious. HAHAHAHA
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